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SoCoder -> Blogs Home -> Blogs

Created : 24 January 2024

Windows Upgrade

Part One today. Should've been yesterday, but we're in the middle of a ruddy great storm, and they opted to leave it a day.

Today's upgrades were...

Out the back..
They replaced the sliding patio doors with nice big french doors, and replaced my bedroom window with a window that isn't about to fall out.

To the side...
They replaced the bathroom window.

The bathroom window was the one window in the bungalow that actually didn't need desperately redone, but we got it as part of the "entire bungalow" deal, so figured might as well.

To the front...

They replaced Mum's bedroom window, again with one which isn't about to fall out, and where you can no longer see the wind blowing the curtains.

(Apologies for the front pic being ugh-portrait.. .. Mum took it!!)

Tomorrow they're coming to do the living room window, the kitchen door/window at the side, and then the front porch, which needs a whole lot of reconstruction, so might end up taking them longer than expected.
.. We'll see.

But, honestly, first day's work.. Really happy with them.
A nice pair of lads who worked fairly rapidly, (this was all done by about 1pm) and who definitely knew what they were doing.

Great job

Let's hope tomorrow goes as well.

FYI : York Windows are a local company, based in Wigan, so unless you're in the local area there's not really much point in me telling you who we used!!



Thursday, 25 January 2024, 14:22
Day Two

The day started with them ripping out the whole entire front of the porch, and taking some time to reconstruct the brickwork at the base. The base had rotted in a scarily bad manner, and desperately needed seeing to.
They reconstructed a ton of the area, then set about doing the living room window, whilst waiting for the porch rebuild to solidify, before then doing the actual refitting of the frontage of the porch.
Windows, door, all done lovely.

No pic of the door. They had to leave the door open to let it air out.

The inside of the porch still needs a little more fixing up, as there's a couple of bits of "Oooh, look, bare wood!" showing on the inside, where they're rebuild a bit of it.
I'll try to take a couple of pics of that tomorrow, but the fitters are due to arrive in the morning to finish it all off proper-like.

The kitchen was done last. I haven't taken a photo of the kitchen, outside, as it was already getting dark by the time they'd finished everything for the day.
... And I haven't taken a picture of the kitchen, inside, as the goddamn lightbulb blew yesterday.
Something wrong with the fitting, we're hoping, and not something wrong with the electrics.
.. eek!

Honestly, the porch took bloomin' ages! But it does look nice.
Friday, 26 January 2024, 04:08

Porch finished. You can't see the join, now

The whole frontage had to be shuffled forwards a small amount. Though they did measure "correctly", the added PVC/Frame of the window and door frames end up making everything that little teensy bit wider. The white patch around the bottom is the width they had to push the porch out by.
Wasn't an issue, though, as they also had to rejig the brickwork underneath, as the bricks were all kinda worn and messed up.
... eek!

And there's the kitchen door, too.

Totally worth it, and the neighbour adjoined came in last night to have a good look at everything.

She loves the squared front windows, but did remark on how "people might get in through that".
I've always been of the mindset that if someone wants in your window, they could just smash it. But, yeah, maybe.

We're incredibly security minded, though, so won't ever go anywhere and leave windows half-open.
.. Given the neighbourhood we just moved out of, I'm not sure there's many people as wary of possible issues as we are!!!
Friday, 26 January 2024, 04:36
1. The bungalow's general fascia is a bloody mess. Just look at it.. Bah, humbug!
2. Guttering. Yucky "possibly asbestos" pipes and guttering everywhere. My Uncle's offered to help, once the weather's a bit better.
3. New Guttering around the porch. Looking around the rest of the street, some people do have guttering around the porch, but not everyone. We asked the window guys if they did that, and they said no.. Not sure why... Bit odd, if you ask me.. But maybe they just plain don't work with watery based pipes and stuff. Who knows.
4. Steps. The front door step is fucking lethal.

(excuse the socks.. I'm not arsing about just to put shoes on for the sake of a pic!)

The step is smaller than my foot, especially when I have shoes on, meaning if you're standing on the step, trying to lock/unlock the door, it's a REALLY precarious place to be standing.
It's horrific. God only knows how the previous owners coped with that for 37 years..
.. apparently, they rarely used the front door, opting for the kitchen door instead.

5. And then set about fixing all those odd little holes all around the outside of the house. Drilled holes for god-only-knows what crap that must've hung up around the outside.

Honestly, the whole damn house has holes everywhere. There's even a giant black hook still in the kitchen ceiling, where one of the many (MANY) wind chimes were hung in the house.
Inside walls are full of little holes, and looking at the Estate Agent photos of the house, you can pinpoint every single one of them. Plates, Clocks, and more bloomin' wind chimes. Everywhere!!!

<-- Before | After -->

6. More shelves or storage or something for my room. I've started looking at Shoeracks. Trying to find one that might be solid enough, and wide enough, to hold all my consoles.

But... Yeah, we're getting there!

Fun Fact : The bar you can see on the bottom left of the living room photo.. That was the door lock for the old sliding patio door. .. .....
That was it..
The door's own locking mechanism was knackered beyond repair, and they'd been using a bloody great big extendable bar to hold it shut.
The Doors/Windows were very much a high priority for things we needed to do, here!
Saturday, 27 January 2024, 04:43
... And we're done.
Windows paid in full.
Bank balance back to pretty much exactly what it was before all of this started.

We're in a lovely new bungalow, in a gorgeous place, with lovely new windows!
The neighbours we've met so far have been lovely, and we're hoping to meet a few more once .. you know.. it's not pissing down all the time, and snowing every other day!

Fun Fact : The company director at York Windows is named Mark Gambles!!! Daaamn!!!
Thursday, 01 February 2024, 11:43
Finally found that "special something" to fill up the space by the radiator.
Trying to find the right sort of size and shape for ages, and finally discovered a treasure trove of shelving style units..

The secret keyword is "Shoe Bench"

Now to fill it up!
Tuesday, 13 February 2024, 04:56
Ooo shoe bench. Where did you get that from?
Tuesday, 13 February 2024, 05:05
On the Amazon!

Search for Homcom Shoe Bench. (That's the brand mine is)
There's loads of different styles, and it's secure enough to hold my fat-ass, so that's good enough!
Wednesday, 14 February 2024, 03:54
Is it safe to have something so close to the radiator?
Wednesday, 14 February 2024, 04:20
Yeah, that was my worry, too.
It's actually out a fair amount. About (ironically) a shoe away from the radiator.
Wednesday, 14 February 2024, 14:24
Good to know, didn't want the new bungalow going up!
Saturday, 17 February 2024, 13:15

Amazon Linkage

And a couple of weeks later... There's the other shoe rack! And what a lovely little console stand it is, with oodles of open cable-space all around!

From bottom to top,
Wii U, Wii, GameCube (with the shelf above missing to allow the GameCube to open), Dreamcast, random selection of caps, SoCoder Clock that's not on the wall yet.

Thinking the hat-shelf might become the "OMG, so many HDMI cables" hub shelf.

Meanwhile, the Printer's on the floor, the Amiga's under the new second monitor stand, and now all I have to do is find places for 185,000 power bricks!