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SoCoder -> Showcase Home -> Puzzle

Created : 03 November 2008
Edited : 09 November 2008
System : Windows
Language : Blitz

The Gear That Works

Connect the gears!

The Gear That Works
A nice classic Amiga game, half redone..

Latest Update

Release 2
Now contains 15 levels to play through, in packs of 5 levels.
(I figured 5's a nice enough number, since you only get 3 removals per pack!.. And you won't get too lazy when making level packs )

If you head into the editor, it'll want you to make 5 levels.. Give up midway, and it won't save jack, so get going!!

In edit mode, hit keyboard 1/2/3/4 to choose tiles (small to large, with 4 being the white pegs)
Place tiles with left mouse, remove with right..
Hover over a cog and hit Q to make it grey, W for red (tap again to toggle between clockwise+anticlockwise), E for green.

(Note, there's a slight issue when you toggle the red cogs.. if it gets stuck, help it along!!)

Make up a whole level, make sure all the green cogs are spinning, and when you click the save thing (top right) it'll save the level, and remove all the grey cogs..

Make levels, shove 'em here..



Monday, 03 November 2008, 06:22
This is, again, a testbed of sorts.. If everyone could let me know if the blue ingame background actually appears..
Currently, the blue background's drawn first, in 2D, then the "3D in 2D" cogs are rendered over the top, and THEN the text is done over the top of that!!

Should all work, but I'm not sure if some systems would clear the background whilst rendering the sprites, so.. Let me know!
Monday, 03 November 2008, 09:06
Can't get past the first level Is it a trick question?

Monday, 03 November 2008, 09:20
Tut... That's what I get for leaving the Level Conversion thing in the code..
\me removes the level conversion thing, and re-uploads.


ok, try now
Monday, 03 November 2008, 09:32
Nope. I think you left some more level conversion code in there.
Monday, 03 November 2008, 09:37
Try now!! (Boy, this is fun!)
Monday, 03 November 2008, 09:51
I suggest a name change...
Monday, 03 November 2008, 10:00
Quite good fun; I got stuck at the level where the two areas are split...
Monday, 03 November 2008, 10:00
OK, I'm about 99% sure that it's no silly daft leftovers, (extracted to about 4 different places, run on 2 different pcs) so if it's not working at this point, then it's down to gfx issues more than anything...

Which is pretty much right back to where I was with BlitzMax..

I might try using Blitz2D in future!!
Monday, 03 November 2008, 10:03
Bummer I really wanted to play.
Monday, 03 November 2008, 10:33
OK, give it one last go.. This time you should end up with a WTF.txt file, that basically describes what it's doing as it goes.. The last line (if not the end) should be the thing before it fucks up.. should help me narrow it down..
Monday, 03 November 2008, 11:15
Nope. Crashes before the log file is even created.
Monday, 03 November 2008, 13:26
If the log file isn't even being made, would that mean it can't even set the graphics mode?

That's my guess but I haven't looked at it myself.
Monday, 03 November 2008, 14:46

Bah, humbug..

Yeah, probably means it's not able to set the gfx mode, so..

Still, AGameAWeek's not due till tomorrow, so plenty of tweakytweakytime..
Tuesday, 04 November 2008, 05:01
OK, last chance!!

I've added some failure tests in, and, assuming your graphics card has the ability to handle extremely basic capabilities, it should be able to cope!

First test 800,600,32,2, if not 800,600,16,2, if not windowed 3d then fullscreen, and if not that, then 1024,768 with a f'ing border on it!!

Should be able to cope.. And if not, then sod it..
Friday, 07 November 2008, 20:11
I played it...and I like it. Good, mind-bending fun. Took a while to get use to, but then the points just started racking up.
Saturday, 08 November 2008, 00:18
Jay - I've made 3 levels so far to add to the game, when the next release?
Saturday, 08 November 2008, 04:13
The editor's working "ish", but I'm now having to rejig the frontend to work with multiple level files, and things like that..
Probably not till tomorrow..
Sunday, 09 November 2008, 09:13
OK, updated..
The menu's still a little rough around the edges, but it'll do until we end up with too many level packs to fit into it!!! Then I'll have to rejig the menu to fit more on!

In the meantime, game + editor + level packs = cogs galore!

Mog, the levels you made earlier will still work, copy+paste the level data from levels.dat to a new file.. BUT.. It's gotta be 5 levels!
Thursday, 13 November 2008, 13:33
Any chance you could rebuild this with the new B3D version so that I can play it?
Thursday, 13 November 2008, 15:23
Just installed update to other PC, so it should now work for you.. (Or will it!?! Dum-dum-durrr!)
Friday, 14 November 2008, 07:58
It works, but it's hard. Stupid cogs don't fit anywhere. And why don't I get new removals?
Friday, 14 November 2008, 08:19
3 removals.. 5 levels.. That's hard enough!