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Socoder -> Off Topic -> a question on 3d models.

Thu, 30 Nov 2006, 23:12
power mousey
hey guys,

I got a qustion on 3 models. Not so much a coding question but more of a motivational nature.

Okay...I downloaded the dalek model and loaded him up to view the animation frames of this dalek and also to move him(it) about. There is not much to this model in expressions and movements that much....or nothing really spectacular. Just mostly ordinary behavoirs and movements for a dalek...I suppose.

Yet, my question is this. Should I contine to work with this Dalek and make some extraordinary movements and sequences with him...or even just make ordinary animation sequences??
Or....or go on to a 3d model that is spectacular and has cool and special animation and movements??

which would you do?
stick with the dalek and just work with his ordinary frames and sequences...maybe even try ot make something extraordinary with him, if I can.
or go on to another 3d model.

power mousey

Sat, 02 Dec 2006, 13:13
Hey mousey,

Maybe the animations don't have to be too spectacular, but you could sure have some fun with particle effects and energy weapons... And maybe stick them in a game with some simple A.I. - flee as the daleks speed after you!

Daleks are cool - maybe you could try giving them different colours, so you have the leader/important ones too.

And, how about an animation involving the toilet plunger/sucker - ready to suck people in!

Adding some voices might be entertaining.

Have fun - I'd stick with the dalek.

blog | work | code | more code
Sun, 03 Dec 2006, 08:14
power mousey

well, hey guys this particular dalek...dalek model...
can climb up and down stairs!!

but even more....I'm learning more about 3d graphics and animation. And which includes transformations, rotations, scaling, and a whole host of other things too. Should brush up on some of my geometry and trig too.

mousey power

Sun, 03 Dec 2006, 08:36
Did you consider just taking off it's "arms" and popping them back onto the dalek in code, so you can then twiddle around with them in the game?
It'd be much more interesting if the little "whisk" appendage would follow you around the room, rather than be a pre-animated movement.

And even better if the "head" could swivel about the base, like in the new series. (The "Dalek" episode)

''Load, Next List!''
Sun, 03 Dec 2006, 08:49
power mousey

not a bad idea...cool.

but cooler....if someartist here or some other site can create a dalek. And in some of the animation frame...it whiskds ioff its top, and these nueron spindle appendages start crawling out. And maybe the brain gelatin mass pops out now and then too.
Sorta like Krang...in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle cartoon series.

power mousey