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Socoder -> Off Topic -> Jay's Monkey Framework - Slow Start

Sun, 25 May 2014, 03:55
Hey Jay, just wondering why you set your update rate to 5 when loading? I was wondering why it was so laggy when your games start, so I went into your framework code.... and nearly didnt return
Sun, 25 May 2014, 03:55
It starts at 5 because I figured that at some point, I might bother to embed one of my games onto a site, somewhere. I've never got around to that, though!

Either way, if I choose to bother to do it, it won't be killing people's CPU until they bother to click on the game. That way, I could probably have 4 or 5 games on a page, all waiting to be activated, and not killing the browser as badly as if all 5 were instantly fully up and running.

''Load, Next List!''
Sun, 25 May 2014, 20:16
Yeah that makes sense, its just sometimes when trying to click on "Click to Start" it doesnt register due to the low update rate.
Sun, 25 May 2014, 23:40
Seems it's either one or the other I'm afraid.
Feel free to poke about with the code, and see if you can come up with a better solution, but "Click to Start" seemed the most obvious.

''Load, Next List!''