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Socoder -> Off Topic -> 2017 - Spending Starts Here

Sun, 01 Jan 2017, 08:32
You'll have to make a chart of all your expenses, filtered into "standard things I need to buy", "Silly frivilous things I probably shouldn't have spent money on" and "Fucking 2017..."

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Sun, 01 Jan 2017, 10:13
Great start to the new year. Let's hope that's the worst than happens
Wed, 04 Jan 2017, 15:20
Trying to eat really shouldn't be such a chore!!!
Glad you at least got something. When all else fails, Fast Food is always there to help.

We had McD's on Boxing Day! Uncle Jimmy and his family always come around on Boxing Day, and every year we order a fuckton from the local Chinese.
.. except this year, they were shut on Boxing Day.. Heartless bastards!!!
So, instead we had McDs.
My first McD's since about a year before my hospitalisation, so it's probably been about 6 years since I last had anything from there.
Two big-standard cheeseburgers and large fries..
Went down lovely. I was especially surprised the gherkin was palatable, as most oniony pickled things aren't.
But.. yeah. I enjoyed it.

It wasn't the usual annual Chinese, but it was at least something different.

.. not everyone else thought so, as they've all been regularly nipping to McD's every other fucking week, but for me it was a joy!!

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Wed, 04 Jan 2017, 15:24
MmmmmmmmmmmmmcDonalds (shake!) nom nom nom.
Wed, 04 Jan 2017, 15:51
My Newfoundland goes nuts for bread. Absolutely loves it.

I've never had a fish sandwich from McDonalds (or Fillet-o-Fish as they call them here), but I worked at Wimpy for two weeks 30 years ago and had one nearly every day (I had an interview for a position elsewhere and got a starting date, for 2weeks later, on the first day I was at Wimpy!). They were lovely. Which is really odd, as I hate fish generally.
Thu, 05 Jan 2017, 02:49
Sadly there aren't many Wimpys about in the UK nowadays - most of them turned into BurgerKings. Bleurgh!