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Socoder -> Off Topic -> 1-2-...Never Mind

Fri, 28 Apr 2017, 05:13
Stupidly bought 1-2-switch from CEX. I think it would be an ok game if A. The players are quite drunk, B. The players are all 7-10yo, or C. it was a free pack-in like wiiplay was.

Check out my excellent homepage!
Fri, 28 Apr 2017, 05:13
Totally agree.

I was, at the very least, expecting something "A bit WarioWare", and was SEVERELY disappointed to find it isn't, AT ALL..

That and Jackbox are both very much "With the mates" games, and neither suit me in the slightest.

FFS, waste of money.

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Fri, 28 Apr 2017, 06:06
I could see that 1-2 Switch was a big bag of arse. There's no way I'd pay for it, even if it was just a fiver.

Anyone get Mario Kart 8 Deluxe yet or thinking about getting it?

I've got it on WiiU and never play it, so I think I'll let this pass (or until it's about £20).
Fri, 28 Apr 2017, 06:34
Luckily they have an actual returns policy, so im taking it back and hopefully theyll srill have bomber man in stock.

Check out my excellent homepage!
Fri, 28 Apr 2017, 06:48
I'm not bothering with MK8.
Much like yourself, I have the WiiU one, and .. I think I completed about half the 50cc before going "yeah, ok, it's Mario kart.." and abandoning it.

I am, however, enjoying PuyoTetris. Highly recommended.
Arable both in multiplayer, and ON YOUR OWN!!!!

''Load, Next List!''
Fri, 28 Apr 2017, 07:12
I downloaded the Puyo/Tetris demo from the Japanese store when it was first released, but haven't played it yet. As I said a while back, I love Puyo Puyo and I love Tetris, but not at full price. I've enjoyed Puyo on a number of formats, except the 3DS version - that was tiny, cramped screen shite.

Both Tetirs and Puyo are old games that we've coded ourselves - we know that it's not a difficult game to code or would have taken long to do, even ith a brand new piece of kit. Easy money. £15-£20 is my max budget on that game. Even without much else to purchase for Switch, I won't stoop. Yet!