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Socoder -> Off Topic -> Every Single Time

Thu, 24 Feb 2011, 16:03
It seems to happen every single time I have an idea.

A few years ago I had an idea for a recipe search site, but i didn't get started on it until a couple of months ago (https://chowdown.co).

This morning google has just launched a recipe search (https://www.google.com/landing/recipes/). I'm going to keep developing my site as it's a different take than what google is doing (at the minute). But it made me think...

Has anyone else had an idea, then just as they were getting close to finishing, you discovered there was already something similar?
Thu, 24 Feb 2011, 16:11
All the time, and usually (due to my extreme lack of artistic/design talent) it's 1,000 times better!
I'm not sure what ticks me off the most.. That someone else did it, or that I'm still pisspoor at all this, even after everything I've done!

''Load, Next List!''
Thu, 24 Feb 2011, 16:15
I find as you keep developing a skill, you keep getting more and more ideas as you progress. This can come in forms of sketches (drawing), stories (writing), solutions (programming) and so on.

Afr0 Games

Project Dollhouse on Github - Please fork!
Thu, 24 Feb 2011, 20:41
I find the best way to come up good and original ideas is to look at uncommon things that frustrate lots of people. Then try to find the ideas that haven't been tackled yet. People love solutions and they'll use your product if it can ease their pain.

Also, don't be afraid to do something thats already been done. A lot of ideas are great but are poorly implemented. For instance, wouldn't it be great if you could compile a list of recipes and it would generate you a shopping list of items you need? Figure out what your idea is really solving and figure out how you can solve that problem better. Just be careful of trying to solve problems people don't have or trying to solve problems with solutions that aren't better than your competition. You'll just be wasting your time.

Quit posting and try Google.
Thu, 24 Feb 2011, 23:10
@stealth that's kind of the expanded idea of my site. It started out as searching for recipes based on ingredients but quickly expanded into a much larger set of features.

Admittedly after looking into it more, Google's service isn't really all that much like mine, but the fact that someone as big as google has started looking at the recipe space surely means a host of other people will too. and it's a bit strange that noone has had the idea to search by ingredient before.

@ afro I have a bunch of ideas that have evoloved as I've gotten better at what I do and also some that I've had as my skills have improved. The biggest frustration I have is that I'm constantly being pipped at the post. it may be that I'm not fast enough or my ideas are to obvious or that I'm not being ambittious enough in my ambitions.

I'm nothing special in the indie community though

Surely it's
Fri, 25 Feb 2011, 07:33
All this talk of food is making me hungry!

An excellent idea and it doesn't really matter if it's original or not - even if it were unique, it wouldn't be long before there were other similar sites if yours was successful.

Now, what can I may with a sachet of barbecue sauce, some luncheon meat and a carrot?
Mon, 28 Feb 2011, 06:22
that's true. I spose I'd really be banking on the head start I'd have to scratch out at least a niche in the market.

Regardless if it's a massive success or not. It's a good resume/portfolio piece for me.
Mon, 28 Feb 2011, 10:22
Jayenkai All the time, and usually (due to my extreme lack of artistic/design talent) it's 1,000 times better!
I'm not sure what ticks me off the most.. That someone else did it, or that I'm still pisspoor at all this, even after everything I've done!

After all that you've done for the indie-gaming community, I think you should be up there brushing shoulders with Jon Blow (Braid). Platdude will probably get a cult-status at some point, just like Miner-Willy did!.