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Socoder -> On Topic -> Back, Yet again...

Thu, 04 Oct 2012, 06:34
'lo all,

Yet another I'm back again after a long hiatus - mostly a medical thing brought on by a bad accident I suffered a while back that snapped my left arm in 3 places and ripped muscles in my back and neck.

I lost a lot of drive to program and almost gave it up for good until a friend convinced me to pick up that little Blitz3D thing I was working on with landscape generations ... and well... I've kind of torn into it like a rabid animal and made some good progress, building a rather nice framework to begin dropping things into it. We've started calling it Pyroxene, mostly for my love of the word, and the friend who drove me back into working on it is a geology major (plus points if you know what Bowen's reaction series is!) - He's pressing all of his geology notes into the terrain, seeing how we can build it out and make it into a nice working model to build a world around.

I'm really planning on making it generate all of it's underlying media - the terrain, locations, etc- since that seems to be popular nowadays. We're even attempting to hammer out some way to dig into the terrain using mesh construction - but I promise this isn't a Minecraft clone, it's just a toy i'm playing with

A small list of features so far:

  • Infinite noise-generated terrain based on real geological progression, with layer samples and biome-specific shaping; also allowing for object placement
  • Physics using BULLET
  • Dynamic scripting engine allowing for individual "sub-environments", each able to enter into an emulated threading system and ran as jobs/daemons, or just ran as objects inside the world that are controlled through callbacks between script and host
  • Real-time, Dynamic shadows with volume testing
  • Fully rewritten particle engine from my earlier projects, to support more advanced functions
  • Extensive 2D drawing system supporting Alpha, Rotation, Scaling, Sorting, and Compositing

I've mainly been working on under the hood stuff such as the robust scripting engine / events system i'm working into it Here's a few example shots / video of what I have so far - it's not much to look at, but slowly shaping up:

Shadow test

Early FPS test

Post effects

Shadow Volumes Test

Simple Fly around video - not much to look at, since it was a demo to show a friend, but here anyways for the curious

View on YouTube

So what do you think?

I am Busy Mongoose - My Website

Dev PC: AMD 8150-FX, 16gb Ram, GeForce GTX 680 2gb

Current Project: Pyroxene
Thu, 04 Oct 2012, 07:46
Eek, that sounds painful! Glad to hear you're on the mend.
The landscape generator's looking great. It'd be nice to play some sort of game using those sorts of worlds. Have you considered doing a dirt-bike type thing? I always loved playing about with Motocross Madness! It'd be nice to have a great big randomly generated world to ride about on!

''Load, Next List!''
Thu, 04 Oct 2012, 07:53
We were actually considering that! We spent an entire dev meeting simply reminiscing about Motocross madness- What is it about that game that made it so awesome? Needless to say, we'll most likely have dirt bikes in whatever comes of this.

...or something like 1080 Snowboarding / SSX, since we have the physics engine in place to do it- perhaps once we start generating snowy areas. Could also work in sleds since we've already considered other areas, such as Personal watercraft / Quadbikes.

I am Busy Mongoose - My Website

Dev PC: AMD 8150-FX, 16gb Ram, GeForce GTX 680 2gb

Current Project: Pyroxene
Thu, 04 Oct 2012, 15:03
Noooo! Please, no dirtbikes!
Please use this to continue the ORPG you were working on with the airship and everything!

Afr0 Games

Project Dollhouse on Github - Please fork!