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Socoder -> Off Topic -> NSA US, Spying on Gamers

Sun, 09 Feb 2014, 16:21

Quite unbelievable that Snowden hacked them at all with all the bragging that they do.

Sun, 09 Feb 2014, 16:49

FFS, that's what these people do.
What you do in the comfort of your own home is your business, but the second you go online, don't EVER expect it to be 100% private.

If you can chat to someone else, whether it be through a private message on a forum, or a Skype call, or a chat inside Words With Friends, then "they" can AND SHOULD have the ability to access it.

If they couldn't "SPY!!!!!" on you, then they couldn't spy on anyone else, either.
And even if you turn out not to be the evil spawn of satan, the next guy might.

''Load, Next List!''
Sun, 09 Feb 2014, 17:00
data is data... He had privileges beyond many of the NSA staff... Of course he could get away with it... When you have access to the highest level of information a government can hold, you can do anything you want.

I'm pretty pissed at Snowden, yeah, governments (Even my own), have crossed a line in terms of privacy, but, even for that, he has still jeopardized thousands of agents who do good for their respective countries, he's put families of these people in danger, shit heads dont stop at the buck, they look beyond that and seek revenge amonst the innocent.

I do believe he could've played this differently, without the resort of having to claim asylum in his own nations stanches opponents in global matters. He could've got his point over, you dont need to spill the exact details over to papers throughout the globe.

He could've walked into one tabloid in the US, spilled the beans, gained support from his fellow americans. went through the justice procedure, had campaigns spilled out in his name, and if he had to do time, the world would've known anyway, and, noone would've been able to touch him.

If you ask me, he took the shittest route, that was never ever going to do him any favours, and now he's trapped in a country, that, lets face it, is riddled with corruption and is pretty pappy on the human rights front... For all I love the idea of privacy, we dont have any, but one thing you never do, ever... Is shit on your own country!

Union Jack, stars and stripes... That flag is there for a reason, its your banner, and, you try to protect everything that that flag represents... And sometimes, you have to cross a line to do that, even if you wont like it!

I personally hope, he's stuck in Russia forever... I have nothing to hide, people can snoop on me as much as they want... All they'll get is me watching streaming football matches, bit of Only Fools and Horses, and occasionally, I may drop the odd album of a new artist, and, if I like them, I'll but it on iTunes anyway!!!

The government can watch me all they want... I'm not actually that interesting... Unless they've took a fancy to my new hobby!


Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
Sun, 09 Feb 2014, 18:03
I agree with you that eaves dropping happens all the time.
The majority of the public is worried about Identity theft and the loss of monies connected with that. Since money is in the forefront of their minds, general snooping is never given any regard.

The other point I tried to make was that the NSA for all their bragging, has nothing really that secure. They would have to upgrade and change the access priorities nearly every hour.

That still not being completely secure would only stop the inexperienced interloper or hacker.

Still, here in America the MSA claims to be responsible for our Security and the organization cannot secure themselves nor can they claim to have something to interlope on more powerful systems to thwart war or some other attack. The NSA made this statement, or one nearly the same some weeks ago.
