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Socoder -> Off Topic -> Krylar's Other Book

Sat, 21 Jun 2014, 07:02
Many More Books

''Load, Next List!''
Sat, 21 Jun 2014, 14:58
It reads that 'He no longer support the Book . .'

What does that mean?

** I'll have to wait to download the book. The Internet provider that I use, though free, now blocks many sites including

Pirate Bay, YouTube, and all News Sites for some reason.

** He is quite good. Nice artwork for the cover.

Sat, 21 Jun 2014, 15:01
It means that... he no longer supports the book.
He wrote the book, he lived the book, and now he's moved on to other things.
Like how I have an archive of over 300 games, but at no point am I going to go back to Game #1 and fix it, if anyone finds a bug.
The game is done, the game exists, the game still mostly works. That'll do.

Krylar's Coding Books still work for their target languages, since the languages haven't evolved so much as to make them redundant. But they might have evolved beyond the abilities discussed in the book. It's up to you to discover the next chapter in the life of the language.

''Load, Next List!''
Sat, 21 Jun 2014, 16:06
Just for the sake of anyone, you might want to put it on 4 share or some other site and drop us all a link.
I'm sure that I am not the only one having that problem in the US.

Sat, 21 Jun 2014, 19:43
thanks for the link Kuron.

That link is blocked here as well but I can probably get it tomorrow at another spot.

I hope

Sat, 21 Jun 2014, 20:07
Did you download Krylars k2dmapmaker.zip?

My system is telling me that it is malicious for some reason.

What does it do?

Sun, 22 Jun 2014, 04:13
Dropbox link if still needed:

What ISP are you with DNA???
Sun, 22 Jun 2014, 15:44
thanks Evil

Late yesterday I went to another location and got two of the three files from the original link.

My browser claimed One of the files k2dmapmaker.zip was malicious.

Has anyone downloaded that to confirm that it was not?

Sun, 22 Jun 2014, 16:05
Yep. It's all good.
Sun, 22 Jun 2014, 16:18
OK I'll download the file as well to see what it does.
