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Socoder -> Off Topic -> Rolf Harris

Mon, 30 Jun 2014, 16:19
Looks like Rolf Harris got the guilty verdict. Bang goes a big chunk of childhood stuff for many of us.
Mon, 30 Jun 2014, 16:19
Part of me doesn't want to believe it, but then again I don't know him off-screen and I also don't know how this court stuff works in order to get the verdict. I suppose a few that were kids from that era have the same reaction as myself, just normal feelings I guess.
Mon, 30 Jun 2014, 16:24
I feel the same way Steve... he was a huge part of my childhood, I was even a member of the Rolf's cartoon club
Mon, 30 Jun 2014, 16:43

So much of this stuff going on at the minute. All a great big horrible nasty coverup?

''Load, Next List!''
Fri, 04 Jul 2014, 11:26
Oh well!... Nearly six years to go and he'll be 90 y/o by the time he gets out, plus his career will be fucked.

So much talent used in vein in order to shove his bellend somewhere it shouldn't be, makes me wanna spew fucking good and proper. I would give anything to have toon talent, why do such tossers get gifted with that kind of skill?.