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Socoder -> Off Topic -> Steam Achievements

Tue, 08 Sep 2015, 04:53
Hmmm... adding Steam achievements to my game which already has it own achievements built in... do I leave the built in one in the Steam edition?

and what the hell do I do with multiple people achievements with different profiles in my game? With Steam I guess there is only "one" player...
Tue, 08 Sep 2015, 04:53
Keep your own local achievements as standard, then occasionally upload and update the steam ones. If you've already got them integrated nicely, there's no point in breaking that.. Just ensure they're all the same at both ends.

As for Local Users having their own, I'm not too sure on the best way to approach that. Maybe just submit all achieved achievimenties to Steam, and let all the local players play as though they're a team, trying to earn everything..?

To be honest, the main user's already logged into Steam by that point, so I don't think it'd matter too much.

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Sun, 13 Sep 2015, 17:18
Still thinking how to handle this...

So what to do if a player already has the non-steam edition and when they play the Steam edition should it automatically unlocks the steam achievements they have already unlocked via the non-steam achievements?

Oh should I treat it as a totally new game and they have to start from scratch?
Mon, 14 Sep 2015, 02:47
How about asking the player?

"Welcome to Steam. Would you like to carry over your previously earned achievements?"

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Mon, 14 Sep 2015, 14:47
Top idea Jay!
