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Socoder -> Off Topic -> Centipede game progress.

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Sat, 28 Nov 2015, 17:01
I wouldn't exactly call Beaky a cheerleader, that bird is more like "I'm the centre of attention, I'm fluffy, give me attention NOW!"
Wed, 02 Dec 2015, 18:48
Got some sort of progress for handling the pedes bumping in each other, not perfect but it will do.

Here's a couple of examples.


(More Linkage!)
Thu, 03 Dec 2015, 04:36
Seems to be coming along, albeit with a few cracks in the larger map. Wherever possible, I stick to floats for screen scrolling, but ints when actually drawing. I also tend to use Floor(floatynumber) for float->int, so all values round down rather than occasionally rounding up. By drawing with ints, you get less of those weird glitchy bits inbetween.
Also, if you draw slightly over (1 extra pixel on all sides) then it hides most of the nastiness!!

But, yeah, scrolling maps are a heck of a lot tougher than they were in the 2D days. Stupid technology!!!

''Load, Next List!''
Thu, 03 Dec 2015, 05:25
Remember when I said I do things weird, I just do my drawing like this!

Thu, 03 Dec 2015, 05:32
Those cracks in the scenery were done delibrately, I was experimenting with my own way of atlas grabbing.

I just tell the program where on the bitmap and how big I want it, then I tell it to spam it on the game world where I want, and I can scale it to what size I want too. I even made the collision code compensate for scaling, I think I lost more hair in the process of getting it to work though.
Those ugly green graphics are just place holders BTW, we will hopefully be getting something better in the pipeline soon.
Thu, 03 Dec 2015, 05:36
Sounds like you're doing plenty of planning ahead. That's usually where I fail!!

''Load, Next List!''
Thu, 03 Dec 2015, 11:41
Not counting my chickens just yet Jay.
Thu, 03 Dec 2015, 14:28
Whatever works at the end of the day in my opinion Glad to see it coming along Steve

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
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