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Socoder -> Off Topic -> Charity Harassment

Thu, 24 Dec 2015, 02:11
Out Christmas shopping today... Usual prolonged attack from Sky, Talk Talk, AA and various charities that do the "Who do you have your broadband with blah blah blah", Talk Talk got "Im not interested, cos you's are shit", Sky was told I have an Android box with Kodi on it, with every add on going, AA got "I'm with you through my bank", pushy clipboard waving charity workers got a big thumbs down... Bloke standing with a bucket, guide dog laid on the floor (Yes, it was a charity for guide dogs)... Give him a £5!

Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
Thu, 24 Dec 2015, 02:11
I soo agree with that sentiment. Fuck the companies. Give to those that really don't push themselves onto you and support a very worthy cause. But leave shopping to 23rd December? Did you not know Christmas was coming or something!

|edit| Umm. The forum has fucked up and lost your comment Dabz...

*cough* Poundsign *cough*
Thu, 24 Dec 2015, 02:25
You need to get some medicine for that cough Jay!
Thu, 24 Dec 2015, 02:37
I looked into the price of a complete server overhaul, and decided that I'm quite happy with my cough.


I always feel bad turning down charities when they do that bloody door-knocking bollocks.
But fuck 'em.

*grumpy old man*

''Load, Next List!''
Thu, 24 Dec 2015, 06:04
Lol... All wrapped up now... Loads of time to spare!


Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
Thu, 24 Dec 2015, 09:23
Jayenkai I always feel bad turning down charities when they do that bloody door-knocking bollocks

I usually stop them in their tracks to tell them there's no way I'l handing over my bank or debit card details.

I have a right demanding cunt of a woman knock my door a few years back. She insisted that I hand over my details, I tried telling a white lie that it was a post office instead of bank account. She then asked if I had internet so I can look up to see if it was genuine, when I said yes she then challenged me by saying you can't have internet without a bank account and then quizzed me about mine and my dad's cars on the driveway by again saying that you can't have a car without a bank account.

She then asked me how do I function without a bank account; I replied "well generally I eat, drink, sleep, and have the occasional shit now and then!". I then said this conversation is over and then went to shut the door. She then put her foot in the door, big fucking mistake!!!

I told her she had 3 options: 1) either she walks away and we forget this happened, 2) I call the police, 3) I open the door right up and slam the fucking thing as hard as I can and bust her foot.

She chose the first option but then told me I had made a grave mistake because she lives in North London, she also told me I should sleep with one eye open because she was coming back down with her heavies to smash-up our cars and give me a working-over. I'm still waiting!!!

|edit| These charities should fully check out thier workfoce and teach them some manners before they send them out. |edit|

|edit| The fugly cunt even had the cheek to call me a fat ginger cunt just as I was shutting the door. |edit|
Thu, 24 Dec 2015, 09:31
You really do have a lot of crazies around your neck of the woods!!!

''Load, Next List!''
Thu, 24 Dec 2015, 10:35
Thing is this crazy isn't from around here, she said she was down here from North London. She reckoned the charity deployed her here.
Thu, 24 Dec 2015, 10:40
It's actually a good thing that I answered the door rather than my dad answering it. My dad was quite set in his ways and would have probably mistakenly told her to go back to her own country, although I'm quite sure she was born here judging by her accent. He wasn't at all like myself, he could be quite predudice at times.
Fri, 25 Dec 2015, 09:59
Probably a diddycoy pikey trying it on.