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Socoder -> On Topic -> What I hate about the internet...

Sun, 31 Jan 2016, 21:22
The internet is cool, but here's something I see more and more of every bloody day...

So, I'm having a browse around a premium based website, more notably, newscientist... I'm looking at the articles I can read for free, and as I scroll down, I spy a graphic with a heading "A Lioness Captures A Baboon and does something".... Does what? I like lions and tigers, so I'm intriqued and click it...



But it's not the ads I hate about this, its this... The article is TWELVE pages long, nothing wrong with that I suppose, BUT, there is with these type of sites...

Page 1/12:-

These lions try to survey a safe passage in order to cross the river. Being cautious enough, they initially check out the riverbanks before moving forward. This place is called Botswana’s Okavanga Delta. Eager to cross the river, the small group of lions aims to take the fastest route.

^That's it... That's page frigging 1!!!!!

So you click "Next", screen has to load up again (Along with the monolithic amount of ads)

Page 2/12:-

Moving alone into the water, the courageous lioness surges in front as it spots a great threat to their crossing plans. She wanted to take the threat head on so that they can all cross the river in the safest possible way.

^That's page 2... Are they kidding me?

What the holy why the fucking fuck... Moving on... Because now I want to know what happens to this Baboon


Page 3/12:-

Being highly determined to take on the threat, the mother lioness shows her huge fangs. This is her sign that she will not back down from any other animal and instead take it on headstrong for a fight. Showing her fangs is also her way of saying that she’s ready to take on the potential threat and that it’s time for a fierce battle.

^Okay, fiece battle coming up, what did she do to the baboon...


Page 4/12

Never hesitating, the courageous lioness leaps forward and risks everything in order to protect her own cubs. She uses her great striking abilities and jumps towards the threat. At this point, there’s no backing down and a fight is really imminent. The mother lioness knows that this is the only way to bring her cubs to safety. She risks her life without any hesitation whatsoever. To go bounding into the water to meet the danger head on is just insane!!!

^FFS man, whats the baboon got, a harpoon... come onnnnn...


Page 5/12

As the lioness presses forward, the big threat, which is a crocodile, moves upward and meets its opponent mid-air. With both striking and biting, they use their offensive arsenals to try to bring each other down. The great leap of the lioness comes with shear strength and determination while the crocodile accepts the challenge without backing down. The lioness uses her front legs to clamp down on the crocodile’s jaws. The crocodile could only absorb the powerful blow’s impact. Imagine just how insane the protective urge had to be in this lioness, to take on a fully grown crocodile without hesitating for even a second!!!

^What, who, where? A fucking crocodile, shes going to have a fight with a crocodile... Where the fuck is the baboon at?

Click click click click... No baboon, basically, she pins the croc down (That's one fierce battle mind... Right up there with Big Daddy and Giant Haystacks), her cubs cross the water and everyone lives happily ever after!

What is the whole fucking point of all that then, not just the fact the headline to the article lied to me, not just because they somehow managed to stretch an article which could be contained in one single page to 12 pages long... But, the article is so fucking shit in respect that basically you could put it into one bastard paragraph!

And there's loads of these sites... Tons of them... They always crop up on Facey and in shitty adverts on websites:-

20 pictures that will haunt you (20 pictures of the fakest ghosts you'll ever see), you'll be amazed at what happens next (Someone grows hair) and on and on and on it goes

They are literally everywhere... And I hate them with a passion, nor, honestly, they really make my teeth itch!



Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
Mon, 01 Feb 2016, 15:11
Yup, they suck. It's the advertising model being pushed to it's bloody limit really isn't it. The local rag's website seems to be smitten with them also, along with pop-up adverts, interstatials, the lot. I'll have javascript disabled and ad blocker turned on by default still, just to prevent them accidentally serving me a malicious advert. I don't want that to lock my pc up!

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!