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Socoder -> Off Topic -> Star Trek - Discovery

Sun, 24 Jul 2016, 22:08
New Star Trek: Linkage New ship looks very strange...
Sun, 24 Jul 2016, 22:08

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Hmm.. Looks almost Romulan-inspired, which is odd.
Also the registry suggests it's Pre-Enterprise, but post "Enterprise".
I imagine it's also in the New timeline, eg no Vulcans, so it'll be interesting to see what happens, there.

The whole "Looks a bit Romulan" would've made MORE sense were the ship post-1701. Without Vulcans to keep track of the Romulans, Humans would've had to do that stuff themselves, so a more Romulan-looking ship would've made more sense.

Am I thinking too much about this!?

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Mon, 25 Jul 2016, 01:13
I've been looking forward to a new Star Trek series. Let's hope it'll be worth the wait.
Mon, 25 Jul 2016, 02:00
I've been enjoying Dark Matter, but yeah, it'll be good to have some Trek!

.. I think.. Maybe..
I hope it isn't shit :/

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Mon, 25 Jul 2016, 02:44
At least Scott Bakula isn't in it (I assume). So it won't be the *worst* Star Trek ever.
Mon, 25 Jul 2016, 03:27
Sam Beckett's awesome!!!
Mon, 25 Jul 2016, 04:29
Yes... yes he was. But Scott Bakula as captain of the Enterprise?


No, no, no, no.

Fuck, no.
Mon, 25 Jul 2016, 14:24
I didnt mind Scott Bakula as Archer... but he was the weakest of all the captains.

When I first saw the "new" ship I thought it was a mix between Klingon and Federation.

Also the new ship looks very similar to a phase 2 design:

Mon, 25 Jul 2016, 14:52
It looks like they spent ages modelling the front, then couldn't be arsed to do the back.
Tue, 26 Jul 2016, 00:51
Hmm.. odd place for a shuttle bay..
I was expecting to see Engineering back there.

I'm struggling to think how those nacelles might connect to wherever the hell Engineering is, short of a giant set of pipes running along what appears to be a fairly crowded section of the ship.

Could be disasterous!

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