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Socoder -> Off Topic -> What gets on your goat about being [Insert nationality here]

Sat, 15 Oct 2016, 16:48
Thought I'd put this up for a laugh after spying something similar on facebook...

For me... What gets on my goat about being British and why

1) Chocolate

Right, chocolate bars are getting smaller... Tubs/tins are floating the same boat. It seems like Mars/Nestle etc have turned Moores Law on its head in regards to confectionary... I predict in 20 years time a normal sized Mars bar will be the size of a nits knacker and have the nutritional value of a washing up liquid bubble.

2) Tea

I love my tea... LOVE IT... But when I buy a cup of tea from anywhere, which sometimes costs £1.50 or more even... Why do I have to pay for it at that price and then have to make the bastard myself... For a quid and a half, all they do is plop a bag in a cup, pour hot water in and go "Milk and sugar is over there" and let you get on with it... I've just paid them £1.50 for what, really, what value is that!?!

3) Posh full english breakfasts

Or put it another way, £8 for a rasher of bacon, sausage, egg and some beans and a slice of toast made of some posh bread, totally grease free too. Noooooo, a full english should be a dirty guilty feast where you just know its bad for you, but your body is saying COMMMEEEE ONNNNNN GEETTTT IIITTTT INNNN YAAAAA!

4) National football teams

I neednt say anymore really, England, Scotland and Wales... Shit at football... I honestly dont know how FIFA can have England as 12th in the rankings... As an avid football fan, english and most importantly, a realist... I would put them the 30's me!

5) People sitting outside coffee shops...

In winter! Why? Why do they sit there, freezing, tucked up in their North-Face gear "pretending" to be enjoying their £7 caramel latte? Get inside you numb bastards, take your coats off, sit in the heat and enjoy your over expensive caffine hit for f***s sake... Your not in spain now you know.

6) JD Wetherspoons pubs

I have literally never been in a spoons yet where the table Ive sat down on hasnt been sticky with the last lot, it's like they clear the old stuff away when people have gone and say "Awww, sod it, we'll just rub the table down when someone asks!"... No spoons... Just clean the bugger. I'm not a snob either, but, if your not in a major city centre, generally, it's like being in the middle of an AA meeting that's totally failed.

7) Pound shops

Bloody everywhere, but it's not the fact that they are there... It's the fact that people go in one, buy something (Say, a cheap iPhone charger) and then go berserk because whatever they have bought lasts just five minutes... IT WAS A QUID... LESS THEN A FUCKING CUP OF TEA YOU HAVE TO MAKE YOURSELF... WHAT DID YOU EXPECT EH?

8) Just-Eat and take aways in general

Order a pizza on Just-Eat, select delivery time... Oh, it says 1910, champion... That'll do... Ordered! Within minutes "The restuarent has changed the delivery time to 2030", with 2030 being the year... Seriously, it pisses me right off that. On the other side, you call one in "Okay sir, delivery will be 45 minutes", champion, means I can, say have a quick bath... 20 minutes later, hair full of shampoo... Knock knock, run downstairs, shampoo in eyes, wrapped in a towel... Take away arrives!

Why can they not get the time right, they must know to some degree how long things will take... I could tell them how long it would take to plaster a house from top to bottom give or take a few hours, it cannot be that hard to know if your bloody busy or not!

9) Services visiting your house

"Our engineer will be at your property between the hours of 0600 and 1300" <---- Well thanks for that!

So you sit in all morning and they land at 1255!

10) Health and safety

Its nuts, and the most disjointed aspect of working on a building site. Now dont get me wrong, the Health and Safety At Work Act is a good thing... But when companies start implementing their own bullshitty H&S rules, it drives me nuts... And it's black and white with no grey area, even though their own rules cause grey areas... As an example, it's a legal requirement for you to wear steal toecap boots on a building site... Right... Yeah, makes sense... But taylor whimpy state when on site you cannot wear blue overshoes, but you must take your boots off when going into a finished property!?! See the problem there?

Persimmon homes has a good one too... While working in a plot, you can take your hard hat off... BUT... You can be kicked off site if the site manager catches you not wearing your hi-viz vest IN A PLOT. Now, not sure what the fuck is going to run over me in a house, but there we are!

Oh, and not forgetting the tickets for everything... I spent half a day learning how to change a grinder blade last week, 3 hours 45 minutes mostly consisted of listening to the bullshit stories the instructor threw up to emphasis the health and safety bits, 15 minutes going over the markers on a blade and actually changing a blade correctly in front of him!

So there we are... Thats about me... I could've banged on about the British weather... But then, we all know its turd anyway!


Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
Sat, 15 Oct 2016, 17:12
People who've got a convertible, and drive it in winter with the roof down... WITH A FUCKING COAT AND WOOLLY HAT ON!

Just stop being a ponce - roof up, heaters on, coat off.
Wed, 19 Oct 2016, 12:29
You think it's fucked now, wait til November 8th.
Wed, 19 Oct 2016, 13:28
November 8th. America is fucked.

November 9th. The world is fucked.

Wed, 19 Oct 2016, 13:32
November 5th. We burn shit down, and blow it all up with fireworks, before anyone else gets the chance.

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