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Socoder -> Off Topic -> London Tower Fire

Wed, 14 Jun 2017, 02:42
London Tower-block fire Linkage

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Wed, 14 Jun 2017, 02:42
It's all a bit suspect. Flats have to be fireproofed between floors and there should have been many closed firedoors inside.

Also it boggles the mind that there are no external fire escapes in places like this.
Wed, 14 Jun 2017, 02:48
Jeez! What the hell happened there!?!

I agree with Dave, very strange...
Wed, 14 Jun 2017, 03:05
A guy on news says his neighbour "in the house where it started" was telling people to get out cos his fridge freezer had exploded.

If that's true, shit will hit the fan if it's an iffy Beko one again. They've had product recalls on em recently cos of fires.
Wed, 14 Jun 2017, 03:29
Been watching all morning.

The external cladding was added after a nearby school was upgraded/refurbished, and was added around the building to make it blend in a little better.
People seem to be blaming the cladding for spreading the fire, but nobody's quite sure.

Apparently there was a power surge there a few months ago, so I imagine if there were power issues, that might've caused the fridge fire.
Either that or a generic fault on a fridge.

Whatever the cause, and no matter the cladding situation, there should still have been 100s of safety measures. Sprinklers, fire alarms.. Nothing seemed to happen, and the fire was just left to spread.

Totally fucked up.

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Wed, 14 Jun 2017, 04:14
Fridge-freezers don't explode, the gasses they use are inert.
Wed, 14 Jun 2017, 05:26
I suspect "my fridge exploded" might be a bit overly dramatised. More like a capacitor went pop.

Unless he was storing explodey things in the fridge but let's not go down that route, even though I'm sure the 't' word has crossed all our minds.
Wed, 14 Jun 2017, 05:29
You must be a mindreader Dave, that's exactly what I was thinking. Sorry, but bomb factory springs to mind.
Wed, 14 Jun 2017, 05:32
Even if it was done on purpose, any event should've been mostly contained, if not to the flat, then to the floor.
You certainly shouldn't have the entire building alight, like that.
Terrorist or not, that just isn't right.

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Wed, 14 Jun 2017, 10:25
It's fucking scary how fast the whole thing went up - fire was reported at around 1:00am and by 5:00 the top floor was burning.

Scary, scary shit.

Wed, 14 Jun 2017, 10:36

Up to 12 fatalities, now.

Hate to say it, but that's a gorgeous photo.

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Wed, 14 Jun 2017, 10:53
They're doing checks on similar refurbs now - seems to suggest they know it spread so fast cos of the outer cladding. In that case you have to wonder where the blame will rest.
Wed, 14 Jun 2017, 15:38
Just catching up with events on ITN. You've got to say, there are some proper fucking decent people in this country. They all pull together when the shit hits the fan.
Wed, 14 Jun 2017, 16:21
Yeah, some really lovely stories coming out from all this.

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Thu, 15 Jun 2017, 04:40
It's a bad'un!!!

What amazed me the most is how it went up so quick between floors, usually these things are fireproofed to the hilt, even with normal 12.5mm plasterboards you get 30 minutes fire resistance and that doesn't include a coat of skimming on it, usually ceilings are done with 15mm thick ones and that provides an hours worth... more then enough for a fire to break out in a flat and be contained before it gets through! I'm also guessing the main door into each flat would have a decent fire rating as well, maybe not inside, but the external one will be solid enough to keep a fire back for at least 30 minutes.

I think personally, it was down to a combination of the cladding, the weather and the time it happened... The cladding went up, it's been hot and sticky down here so I imagine a lot of flats had their windows open, as well as when the smoke started inside a lot of people may of opened them for fresh air.

A lot of people would've been in bed, sound asleep (with their windows open too), and once it was away, the heat just fuelled it immensely, the insides would've been a furnace helping the exterior cladding fire along and up!

All in all, people in there would've had no chance up on the top floors, that fire would've got hotter and hotter the further it spread upwards... no stopping it!

There was an obvious breakdown in the fire protection systems, the cladding was obviously not up to the job, when all stirred into a pot... It led to the tragedy we saw on the tele!


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Thu, 15 Jun 2017, 04:52
They're saying that, although the cladding was indeed up to the job, not being flammable along with the internal insulation, it was the physical gap between the cladding and the wall that acted as a chimney. The fire apparently spread up through that gap.

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Thu, 15 Jun 2017, 05:32
With the images I've seen, the cladding Itself has caught, and it would of, if the flames inside it being fed from below, your talking temperatures of molten rock, it all counts and would've ignited even the toughest of modern building materials... The problem we have here is ultimately, the "worst case scenario" wasn't included in the design and spec of the refurb, and sadly we seen the worst case scenario... And there's only one reason why this wasn't included, and that's cost, because implementing such measures would rocket the price well up above any "that's reasonable" budget.

For me, all roads lead back to the owner[s] of the building, when they were designing the refurb, with that many people living in it, money or budgets should've not come into play, they probably made a fortune from it over the years, and as such, I'll be bitterly disappointed if no one gets jailed for it!


Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
Thu, 15 Jun 2017, 06:18
Two things.

1. How did the initial fire start, and go on for long enough to set fire to the outer wall?

2. How many other apartment blocks have the same outer cladding?

3. What the fuck is up with building regs when its OK to cover a block of flats in highly flammable plastic?

That's 3 things, but I thought of #3 when I was still typing #2.
Fri, 16 Jun 2017, 11:05
I know this fire is bad for many reasons, but this is a total dick move.

Fri, 16 Jun 2017, 11:27
Oh, god.. the "Mob Mob Mob" brigade are off again.

There's a fight to be had, but not that sort.
Stand down, people..

Stay safe, everyone.

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Sat, 17 Jun 2017, 03:46
Watching Sky News just now. OBEs etc for Billy Connolly, Emily Sande, Ed Sheerhan, Julie Walters yadda yadda yadda... every fucking fireman that put himself into this building a few days ago should be on the list, but no. Nothing. Not a sniff.
Sat, 17 Jun 2017, 04:16
To be fair, the OBEs etc were decided on months ago.

But, yeah, they definitely deserve some kind of recognition. If nothing else, most of them had stayed, and
were literally battling the fire for well over 12 hours. And that's before they were finally able to search most of the building.

They'll probably get some kind of medal or something, but I doubt we'll see any kind of large-scale, televised, honour service.. :\

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Sat, 17 Jun 2017, 09:06
Definitely need a medal for ordinary people that go way above and beyond their duty.

I really don't agree with the honours system. Let's face it - most OBEs etc. go to celebs and sportspeople that were well paid to do the job they did. You won a medal for England? Well done - here's a gong. FUCK OFF! They were paid to play, more than I'd get in two fucking lifetimes. They did their job. Nothing more FFS.