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Socoder -> Killer Bites -> Degusta Box

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Thu, 27 Jun 2019, 07:12

Degusta Box

Spent a while trying to decide on what my next Mystery Box should be.
I don't want another "Classic LootBox", because.. Well, those have turned to shit, lately, haven't they!?
Ashens's's latest shows just how dire the situation's got.
Ramen boxes all seem to be the same selection. If you click on reviews for the different ones, you'll see an alarmingly similar selection of noodles.
Japanese Snacks are currently being taken care of by Rockford, so I don't need to do those!

I did look at an American Sweets selection, but there seemed to be far too much chocolate, and with my migraine-issues.. .. Probably best ignored.

I then scoured this site to try and find something different.
There seem to be a lot of recipe/cookery boxes available, but damn near every single one of them has a "Choose what you want in your box!" method, and ..
.. That's not the bloody point, is it!?!

So, I've opted for Degusta Box.
It's a mystery box of random generic British products that you could probably get in your local supermarket, but with an emphasis on brand new products.
Basically, it's a box of new-product "These used to be free!" samples, submitted by various big-name companies around the country..

£12.99 a month for a box of "avg 10 to 15" products.
It might be fun.
.. Or it might be a box of crap.

Only one way to find out!

The first shipment should be some time next week, I think.. .,. Maybe!

If anyone's intruiged, you can use the promo code "JAMESG-DE8A" and get £5 off your first box.

''Load, Next List!''
Thu, 27 Jun 2019, 09:44
American chocolate is FUCKING FOUL!!! It all tastes like vomit. Avoid!

That box sounds interesting, especially if the allocated lot is really cheaper than you can buy in the shops.

Hopefully this box will beat the normal LootBoxes hands down - I watch a load of unboxing vids by Mike Kaess, JaWarlock and Ashens and they are -

a) Pretty much all shit
b) Getting worse
c) Repeating shit that they've posted to patrons before. So two loads of the same shit. It didn;t stink enough the first time.

How will you do the item reviews? Daily like mine(ish) or all in one go, a few each day?

I look forwrd to it

BTW I have my Xmas Advent Calendar for this year!!!!
Thu, 27 Jun 2019, 11:06
Already??! Crikey!!

Schedule.. not sure, but probably every other day or so.
I think it'll depend on what's in the box!!

''Load, Next List!''
Thu, 27 Jun 2019, 16:16
Yeah, some of that stuff doesn't look like it's instant snackage (eg strong bread flour).

Still, could be very interesting.
Sun, 30 Jun 2019, 21:46
They are changing the look of the Hershey bar for the first time in like 100 years (to put emojis in it - how fucking lame) and one of the top comments was "Why mess with perfection?" This made me laugh and laugh.

Anyhow, back to Jay's box!

All the raw, animal magnetism of a rutabaga.
Wed, 03 Jul 2019, 07:37
OK, Let's get this picnic started!!

Degusta Box June 2019

I've decided to open one thing daily (or thereabouts!).. Obviously if I think that a certain thing might help with the night's tea, or something like that, then those items will get priority, but otherwise I'll try to stick to the order in the cheat sheet.
If you want the cheat sheet, it's all here. Do be kind to others, who may like to follow the journey, and not post Cheat Sheet thoughts without [Spoiler] tags.

Item One

Oooh, a mystery item in a mystery box!!

Looks Like..

Like a Knobbly Dorito!
Slightly smaller than a Dorito, though..

Tastes Like..
They're crunchy, but it's kind of an empty crunch. Almost as if the crunch was fake, and they would prefer not to crunch at all!!
The salt seasoning definitely helps the taste, otherwise there's a very Rice Paper taste to them.

Rating : 3/5 - They're ok going down, but with a bit of an odd (Rice Paper!) aftertaste.

''Load, Next List!''
Wed, 03 Jul 2019, 09:30
I love Doritos and I've had some lentil and pea snacks before, so I get where you're coming from. They are not the same, are they.
Wed, 03 Jul 2019, 09:36
They tried, at least..
Wed, 03 Jul 2019, 09:43
I'm all for trying new things, and I don't (generally) blame them when they taste of fish!
Wed, 03 Jul 2019, 10:11
We're having a fry for tea, and I'm very very tempted to..


Looks Like...

... euuuwww!!!

Tastes Like...

It's.. nice.. I suppose..
The kick is definitely there, but I don't think the spice of Tabasco necessarily goes with the creaminess of Mayo.

Rating : 1/5 - I can't think of anything I'd eat with Mayo that also needs a bit of Spice. Mayo, to me, is the anti-spice!!

''Load, Next List!''
Wed, 03 Jul 2019, 10:45
I've had spicy may before and I like Tabasco, so this would probably be right up my street.
Fri, 05 Jul 2019, 14:54
Day Three

Looks Like..

It's a crisp!

Tastes Like...

There was a strong Pickled Onion scent when I opened the packet, but I'm not sure where that went, because the flavour is kinda.. tangy, but not pickle'y..
I'm not sure what the taste of truffles and rosemary is supposed to be, but it's apparently not a combination I enjoy..

Rating : 1/5 - Nah..
Mum's Verdict - "I wouldn't buy them..."

''Load, Next List!''
Sat, 06 Jul 2019, 01:30
I had something like these before and they just tasted like old women's perfume. Yeuckk!
Sat, 06 Jul 2019, 06:33
Day Four

Looks Like...

This reminds me of something...
What is it I'm thinking of..

Oh yeah, that's it..

> Reveal 🔎

Tastes Like...

Like every other shitty energy drink I've ever had.
I'm not a fan of energy drinks.

Rating : 0/5 - No thanks.

''Load, Next List!''
Sat, 06 Jul 2019, 10:17
Yeah, that's a no from me too!
Sun, 07 Jul 2019, 05:21
Day Five, and there's only one way to test a dressing..

Looks Like...

Tastes like...

I was rather worried it might be too vinegary for me, but it wasn't too bad.
It had a nice buttery aroma when cooking it, but that flavour seems to have disappeared, and it's left with a slightly greasy, yet tangy taste.

Rating : 3/5 - It's alright.. it'd depend on what you put it with, though.

''Load, Next List!''
Sun, 07 Jul 2019, 10:16
Aren't you supposed to add dressing to the salad/meal after cooking?
Sun, 07 Jul 2019, 10:55
There's lots of things you can do with dressings, but I think it depends on the thickness/creaminess. This is a thinner vinegar based dressing, so can be cooked with.

It's hard to google, though. Most results are "how to make a salad dressing"!!

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Sun, 07 Jul 2019, 11:24
I saw a lovely salad dressing once, it screamed and quickly pulled up it's clothes!
Sun, 07 Jul 2019, 12:08

Mon, 08 Jul 2019, 14:05
Day Six

Eeeuw, healthy!!?

Looks Like...

Tastes Like...

The coating is trying its hardest to be as Bombay Mix flavoured as possible, and it's doing a mighty fine job of it.
But once you bite into the chickpeas, you get an incredibly bland texture that refuses to leave your tastebuds, and from then on its bite after bite of blandness..

They have little dried pea things in "normal" Bombay mix, and they're nowhere near as bland tasting.
Why could they not have used those?

Rating : 2/5 - horrible bland pea taste in my mouth, now.

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Mon, 08 Jul 2019, 16:07
No matter what you do with chickpeas they are only ever chickpeas...
Tue, 09 Jul 2019, 10:21
Day Seven


Looks Like..

Left = Milk Chocolate, has squares.
Right = Salted Caramel.. .. doesn't have squares???!!!?

Tastes Like..

The milk chocolate has a nice nutty taste to it, presumably from the replacement of regular milk with ... rice flour?!

The caramel one has a nice gritty texture, a bit like a Reeses Peanut Butter Cup.
Kinda tastes peanutty, too, but given the milk chocolate tastes nutty, that might be more the chocolate than the salted caramel!!

Rating : 4/5 - Good, and nice creamy melty chocolate, too!! but.. only about 3 or 4 blocks (or block sized bits) of either, and ..migraine incoming!!!

Mum says : "quite good, but not as tasty as proper chocolate."

> Reveal 🔎

''Load, Next List!''
Tue, 09 Jul 2019, 12:32
Sounds tasty

When I first saw the label "Free From Choc" I thought, what's the point of a choc bar without choc?
Tue, 09 Jul 2019, 12:47
Oh, it definitely had plenty of chocolate in it!!! (*banging head, right now!)

The "Free From" is lactose and vegan'evil things, and stuff like that.

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Tue, 09 Jul 2019, 13:37
Yeah, I know that. Just a few "..." after the "Free From" and before the "Choc" wouldn't have hurt.
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