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Socoder -> Festive Threads -> Advent of Creativity 4

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Tue, 30 Nov 2021, 03:59

Advent of Creativity 4

Welcome to Advent of Creativity 4, the 2021 edition!

Over the course of Advent (December 1st to 24th, and maybe 25th if you're feeling super-productive) your challenge is to post something new to the forum.
You can be as creative as you feel, posting any or all content that you'd like, as long as it shows an ounce of creativity.

What's Allowed

  • Write a poem.
  • Make a little tune.
  • Create some sprites.
  • Build up a selection of sound effects.
  • Make a silly little tool that creates lovely patterns.
  • Post an imaginative photo of your pet each day.
  • Doodle a picture of a scene from your favourite Xmas movie.

    I certainly don't expect anyone to have time to make a game each day, but maybe if you're aiming to release a Xmas game towards the end of the month, you could post a daily update blog, and some of the assets as you go along.

    Really, anything goes, as long as there's creativity involved.


    The postings begin on December 1st.
    You might want to make frequent use of the [spoiler] tags!


    Consider yourself "Winning!" if you can keep up the rate of one creative post a day over the whole event.
    Since it's unfair to those of us who have busy and active lives, it's been decided that this won't be a true competition, but it is at least something to keep us active.
    I do hope you all join in, even if you don't quite manage to keep up the daily rate.

    Be creative.
    Be happy.
    Be festive!!

    ''Load, Next List!''
  • Tue, 30 Nov 2021, 04:06
    My plans for the month ahead.

    I've written a collection of games using GotoJSE.com, and spent most of yesterday drawing icons and logos for them all, but the games are still missing "CoverArt". I considered going crazy and sitting drawing 25 artistic covers for the games, but inevitably decided to give myself a bit of a rest.
    Instead, each day I'll be drawing an artsy picture for that day's game, then eventually posting that here.

    I also have an idea for an artistic tool. Over the previous Advent of Creativities, I've made a random Sprite generator, a Knitter, and a Testcard generator. This year I'm thinking something like low-res pixelart to high-res "Painting", but I'm not sure how good a result could come out of that. *shrugs* We'll see.
    Tracing shapes and whatnot isn't exactly something I'm good at!

    ''Load, Next List!''
    Tue, 30 Nov 2021, 04:06
    Ohhh! I might try a mix between some photos and then vectoring them up or sketching em and turning them into something else I like doing that!

    Will try and keep it festive and SFW.

    Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
    Tue, 30 Nov 2021, 11:46
    Trying to think what I could do.
    Tue, 30 Nov 2021, 16:35
    Alas, I suspect I am not going to find the energy to post something every day this year. But hopefully I'll manage one or two things at some point in the month!

    A mushroom a day keeps the doctor away...

    Keep It Simple, Shroom!
    Tue, 30 Nov 2021, 16:38
    I wish I could find a free pixel editing program for Windoze that is like what Jay use for his Daily pixel challenge.
    Tue, 30 Nov 2021, 17:30
    If you have a fairly decent phone/tablet, I've found that pixel-arting on that is infinitely better than on the desktop, mostly because the "prodding pixels directly" interface is just so much easier.

    ''Load, Next List!''
    Tue, 30 Nov 2021, 17:34

    Day One

    Today's Advent Game isn't a particular fantastic game, but should at least prove as a decent test engine, as far as getting people to try out the engine!!!

    Daily countdown images provided by hotpot.ai

    ''Load, Next List!''
    Tue, 30 Nov 2021, 18:49
    My new Lenovo lappy I bought for audio/video editing is a touch screen and it came with a special pen.

    Also my cheap Windows 10 hybrid is touch screen as well. System I am on now, driving me crazy because I keep trying to touch the screen, even though I have been using this for several months now.

    Finding Windows without a touch screen is a tad limiting, but that is 5 1/2 years of being used to using the hybrid and being completely spoiled.
    Tue, 30 Nov 2021, 22:05
    I know what I can do that is unique to me...

    Oh, also ordered an advent calendar for next year, and who knows may still find the two I bought before I moved.
    Wed, 01 Dec 2021, 01:01
    I am going to share a different Christmas memory each day.

    Day 01:

    This is a simple one. The picture below was taken right after Christmas. It is of my cat in MD, Jonah. He was a black Siamese. I had gone to Dollar Tree and they had Christmas stuff on clearance for half price. I saw this little hat and scarf and could not resist as I thought it would make a cute pic of Jonah.

    He was a great cat. He had FIP (the wet form) which is terminal, so every day with him was a gift. Even special needs cats deserve a home and deserve to be loved. They gave him a couple of months to live. By ignoring the Dr. and using daily probiotics with his food and antacids twice a day, I got five years with him. One hell of a fighter and the most gentle loving cat, ever. Hands down, the best friend I ever had, human or animal, and I mean that 100%.

    I would shut him out of the bedroom when I slept, but when I woke up, I would lean over and open the door and lay back on the bed and he would come running from his bed in the living room and jump on the bed and smother my face with kisses and then cuddle up with me and let me pet him. I slept twice a day, so he did this twice a day.

    Christmas with Jonah was always fun, as he almost always loved the new toys he got. He would play and play hard. He would never eat any turkey or even treats. He only liked his food.

    He was good and never messed anything up in the house and always used his scratchpad which he would go through one every couple of months.

    I always thought about using this picture and having it printed up as a Christmas card.

    Wed, 01 Dec 2021, 01:09
    @Jay That was really fun, JSE runs great on my system even when streaming a radio show. I will have to give it a serious look once I am settled. Extremely impressed.
    Wed, 01 Dec 2021, 03:19
    Never seen a black Siamese before. Nice
    Wed, 01 Dec 2021, 05:35
    Could you make 10 games in 10 days?
    The Variety Megajam 2021 invites you to try.
    (And then post your results here, of course )

    ''Load, Next List!''
    Wed, 01 Dec 2021, 08:18
    Proof of concept

    .. I mean, it "works" at least.
    Looks completely shit, but the basic engine works.

    > Reveal 🔎

    ''Load, Next List!''
    Wed, 01 Dec 2021, 11:41
    Today's CoverArt

    > Reveal 🔎

    ''Load, Next List!''
    Wed, 01 Dec 2021, 11:58
    Tree's up, model's posed, photo taken with only a small bit of editing

    Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
    Wed, 01 Dec 2021, 17:18

    Day Two

    Today's Advent Calendar game is a nice little puzzle, with a shitty dice rolling effect that I gave up trying to get to look right after about an hour!! The puzzle logic works, at least..

    Daily countdown images provided by hotpot.ai

    ''Load, Next List!''
    Thu, 02 Dec 2021, 04:45
    Back in, roughly April or so, I had the idea to make a collection of ALChoon TV Theme remixes.
    I figured they'd be nice to post here, during the month.
    The plan was simple. Pick a theme, do an ALMicks, rinse, repeat.
    The reality was.. .... Bad, bad, bad mixes.
    LOTS of bad mixes..
    LOADS of bad mixes.

    When I put my mind to something, I can really balls it up.

    The plan was eventually scrapped, and only two choons remain from this venture.
    Last night, I figured I should at the very least attempt to make a video for one of the two.


    A simple task. Draw a lit version and an unlit version, then a simple "Radial Wipe" between the two.
    I opened Luma Fusion, popped in the two images, and ..

    ... There's no Radial wipe!?!

    So, I then had to create my own wipe. I opened up GotoJSE, and coded a simple black and white wipe.
    > Reveal 🔎

    Does the job. In JSE, by the way, you can tap the Square Bracket keys to begin and end screen recording. Makes things like this SO much easier.
    With the wipe achieved, I added that to the video, and then spent the next hour or so trying to figure out how to get the two clips to achieve that wipe.
    Luckily, with them both being the same image, but lit/unlit, the effect was achievable using some alpha'ing, and blend settings.
    Took a fuckton of jiggery pokery, but I eventually managed to get the effect working well, and even managed to tweak the settings just enough to get the timing more or less spot on.

    Good stuff!!

    View on YouTube

    I got to sleep at 4am..

    ''Load, Next List!''
    Thu, 02 Dec 2021, 14:32

    Turning her into a sketch tonight, haven't attempted this for years! Might bosh into Photoshop for tomorrow night after the gym

    Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
    Thu, 02 Dec 2021, 14:51
    That's awesome!
    Thu, 02 Dec 2021, 15:44
    Thanks Jay, I need to catch up with your games in a minute

    Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
    Thu, 02 Dec 2021, 15:45
    Coverart for Dice Roller
    Not very impressive.
    Honestly, what else could I do with that as a game?!?

    ''Load, Next List!''
    Thu, 02 Dec 2021, 15:46
    So, how does the pixel painter work? I'm asusming it's not as simple as take a pixel, apply brush texture, move to the next pixel, etc. There seems to be more at play there then just that.

    Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
    Thu, 02 Dec 2021, 15:54
    I haven't had time to work on the PixelPainter today!! Where'd the day go?!
    At the minute it is more or less just that.
    Pick random pixel on original, scale up the co-ordinate with a bit of randomness added, check surrounding left and right pixels, and then either do a little stroke or a big stroke.

    I need to teach it how to find possible lines and such, and decide on the direction and length of a brush stroke from that.

    ''Load, Next List!''
    Thu, 02 Dec 2021, 16:07
    Huh, cool.

    I had a play on Invasioneer, nice conversion of Invaders, with some cool pitch shifting music, very lovely and lively! Esp past level 5 on any difficulty mode.

    Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
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