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Socoder -> Off Topic -> Knocked for Six

Tue, 19 Apr 2022, 18:47
First time in my life hearing the phrase ’’knock for six’’. Thought I heard the elderly woman on Escape To The Country saying ’’not for sicks’’. Had to look it up. Got this bonus bit about cricket. Linkage
Tue, 19 Apr 2022, 18:47
Reminds me of...
One time my boss was watching one of those types of shows, and the host suggested the house was a bit like a Tardis.
My boss turned to me, obviously knowing it was a Who word, but didn't understand it's context.
I had to explain it to him.

Poor idiot!

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Wed, 20 Apr 2022, 03:27
I think phrases like that (which were common knowledge across the land, and had roots and reasons for their being) are now becoming extinct, replaced by phrases that mean absolutely fucking nothing - "blue sky thinking" etc. etc.

As for misheard, have you watched the Peter Kay misheard lyrics vid? Laugh your socks off here -

View on YouTube
Wed, 20 Apr 2022, 15:39
The Something Rhymes with Purple podcast frequently discusses the origins of words, and occasionally phrases, too.
Might be worth adding it to your subscriptions

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Thu, 21 Apr 2022, 22:46
@Jayenkai considering I had to look up "tardis" doesn't bode too well for me. Though my instinct was phone booth so I have that going at least. Never got into Dr Who.
Fri, 22 Apr 2022, 01:57
Tardis and Dalek are both well and truly ingrained in uk culture. Who's been around so long that .. well, random tv shows can "usually" casually drop in references!

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