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Socoder -> Festive Threads -> Advent of Photography

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Thu, 15 Dec 2022, 10:35

O is for Old

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Thu, 15 Dec 2022, 17:10
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A mushroom a day keeps the doctor away...

Keep It Simple, Shroom!
Fri, 16 Dec 2022, 02:02
And a lovely varied selection of books, too.

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Fri, 16 Dec 2022, 02:10

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Andy H
8-bit games at www.hewco.uk
Cartoons at awful.ovine.net
Ovine at ovine.net
Fri, 16 Dec 2022, 02:25
Fri, 16 Dec 2022, 16:29

P is for Parallel

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A mushroom a day keeps the doctor away...

Keep It Simple, Shroom!
Fri, 16 Dec 2022, 16:36
I don't think I've had a photo trigger my motion sickness, before!!! Bravo!

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Sat, 17 Dec 2022, 01:08
Haha nice. I could post the exact same photo.
Sat, 17 Dec 2022, 04:39
I don't think I've had a photo trigger my motion sickness, before!!! Bravo!

Oops! Sorry Jay!

Q is for Quirky

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A mushroom a day keeps the doctor away...

Keep It Simple, Shroom!
Sat, 17 Dec 2022, 05:07
I like those Googly eyes make anything and everything look better!

Has the second "thing" just eaten someone's face or something?
Sat, 17 Dec 2022, 17:00
I can't think of anything "quirky" around here that isn't code related, and/or a similar ornament type thing.. *shrugs*
Sorry. I've failed, today.
*sadface emoji*

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Sun, 18 Dec 2022, 16:12
Has the second "thing" just eaten someone's face or something?

In theory, I intended the red substance in the middle two creatures to be jam. But in the context they appeared in, blood would also make sense. I like the ambiguity.

R is for Round

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A mushroom a day keeps the doctor away...

Keep It Simple, Shroom!
Sun, 18 Dec 2022, 16:40
From eating each other, to explosives.
Merry Christmas!!

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Mon, 19 Dec 2022, 09:41

S is for Steps

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Mon, 19 Dec 2022, 11:23
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A mushroom a day keeps the doctor away...

Keep It Simple, Shroom!
Mon, 19 Dec 2022, 12:37
Thank you
Tue, 20 Dec 2022, 12:34

T is for Tools

My tool drawer.

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Tue, 20 Dec 2022, 15:22
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A mushroom a day keeps the doctor away...

Keep It Simple, Shroom!
Wed, 21 Dec 2022, 15:15

U is for Uniform

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Wed, 21 Dec 2022, 16:57
As a child, I had several uniforms... but as an adult I have none! (I imagine they're still lying around in a cupboard at my parents' house...) I still wanted to submit a photo for today though, but...

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A mushroom a day keeps the doctor away...

Keep It Simple, Shroom!
Wed, 21 Dec 2022, 17:04
No dislike here. I hunted for something uniform. Our house is too much of a hodgepodge!

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Thu, 22 Dec 2022, 15:19

V is for Valve

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A mushroom a day keeps the doctor away...

Keep It Simple, Shroom!
Thu, 22 Dec 2022, 15:35
The water stop-valve in the bathroom has been covered up by a "lovely" unit that, I'm fairly sure will be in the way, in the event that we need to shut the bathroom water off.

The house's main stop-valve is behind the washing machine, so in most cases it's just a simple "pull out the washing machine, access granted", but in the event that the washing machine itself goes crazy and starts leaking everywhere, we're going to struggle.

The boiler unit's valves are currently behind mountains of empty boxes, where all the Xmas Decorations have been brought in from the shed, taken out of boxes, and the boxes dumped in the boiler cupboard.

When I added Valve to this list, my head thought of all three of those valves and how I could "easily" take a photo of any of them.

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Fri, 23 Dec 2022, 16:26

W is for Window

Temptation to post screenshot of Windows withheld.

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Fri, 23 Dec 2022, 16:31
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A mushroom a day keeps the doctor away...

Keep It Simple, Shroom!
Fri, 23 Dec 2022, 16:42
Hello Upside-down reflection!!
I've mostly been ... wake up, check what today's word is, think "yeah, I can do that", then completely forget about it until stupid o'clock later!

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