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Wed, 15 Feb 2023, 01:53
Seen The Hunger Games and hated it. Liked the books, but the movies were terrible. Never seen The Maze Runners. If you want to see the original which The Hunger Games blatantly ripped off, you should check out Battle Royale.

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Wed, 15 Feb 2023, 02:15
I got about 20 pages into the Battle Royale novelisation before my drama, and haven't yet had the motivation to pick it back up again.
I really should, though. I enjoyed the movie.

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Wed, 15 Feb 2023, 04:09
I watched all of the Hunger Games movies and thought the end was rubbish. The rest of the films were merely meh.

I watched the first Maze Runner and thought it was OK, but nothing special (I can't even remember much about it tbh) and never bothered with the sequels.

So, I went for Hunger Games, seeing as I've seen them all - even if I thought they were tediously dull.
Tue, 21 Feb 2023, 07:52
Déjà-vu ... yep 10 days ago
Tue, 21 Feb 2023, 09:19
An errant duplicate in a file that currently lists over 600 future polls.
I'm fairly sure there'll be more duplicates, but .. honestly, I ain't digging through that!

The best way to ensure there's less duplicates is to start feeding the poll yourself
The system eats a whole poll every day, so if you want interesting polls for the next week, the system needs you to create 7 polls.
30 for a month (give or take, you know how months work)
365 for a year (again, you know this..)

The format is Question|Answer1|Answer2|up to Answer8

The place to feed them into is Jayenkai@Gmail.com

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Sat, 11 Mar 2023, 03:22
Which is Better?
Dookie (Green Day)
Dookie (Limp Bizkit)


Today's poll is inaccurate.
There IS no song by Limp Bizkit called "Dookie".
This is unchecked ChatGPT at it's finest!
This shows up in the Google Results, though, which sounds better to my ears than either of the other two, so I'm voting for that..

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Tue, 14 Mar 2023, 10:01
Which is Better?
Captain Scarlet


I haven't watched any of the todays series.

so i noticed on the first video: super mario nation:

View on YouTube after 1:30

I did watched terrahawks, way way back then ...

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Tue, 14 Mar 2023, 11:04
You haven't watched Thunderbirds?!
That's surprising.

In the UK, that's almost as part of our culture as Doctor Who is.

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Tue, 14 Mar 2023, 15:03
Terrahawks, really loved that show back in the day. I think Windsor Davies as the voice of Zero was spot on.
Thu, 16 Mar 2023, 04:24
Which is Better?
Little Chef


Today's poll left me confused.
As someone who isn't a member of a car-using family, service stations aren't really a thing I've frequented.
But apparently Granada ( TV Rentals, ITV, Corrie, etc ) once had their own service stations, up until the turn of the century...!?

Little Chef

Things I never knew.
And a rabbit hole has been entered!

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Thu, 30 Mar 2023, 05:23
Eastenders vs Corrie?

Neither thanks
Thu, 30 Mar 2023, 05:32
If I had to, I'd rather Corrie, because EE is just a bunch of angry gits shouting at each other all the damn time.

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Thu, 30 Mar 2023, 13:52
I haven't watched either for ~2 decades now
Mon, 24 Apr 2023, 08:37
Which is Better?
Sega Master System
Commodore 64


Today's poll was a no brainer, we're all coders.
Mon, 24 Apr 2023, 09:06
I voted Master System, because I'd rather have colours that are vibrant than the horrible dull brown goop of a C64.

More Color

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Mon, 24 Apr 2023, 09:25
I'm going by a more geeky kind of view, I'm more into tinkering which is probably why I never really took to consoles.

|update| -=-=- |update|
I would rather have a CPC or an Amiga than a C64 though.
Mon, 24 Apr 2023, 09:28
Fuck! I just ran your JSE thingy and yeah C64 does look a bit lame.
Mon, 24 Apr 2023, 11:23
You could adjust the color brightness and intensity on the CRT monitor or TV ...
Mon, 24 Apr 2023, 12:58
I did try my damndest to find a nice colourful set of colours to add to JSE. There's a wide variety of output, because.. like Dan says, twiddle a few knobs and your screen lights up. But .. there's only so much fakery you should do if you're trying to write a "true" colour palette.. right?
If anyone had a better colour palette I could rejig the engine with, be sure to let me know!

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Sun, 04 Jun 2023, 02:36
Which is Better?
The Dark Side of the Moon (Pink Floyd)
The Dark Side of the Moon (Harvest)


Apologies. Today's poll is a bit "A.I. Hallucination" heavy.
Harvest was Pink Floyd's record label.

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Mon, 05 Jun 2023, 02:27
Which is Better?
Burger King


Both Mc Donalds and Burger King are pretty terrible, but Burger King is slightly less terrible so

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Mon, 05 Jun 2023, 02:46
Burger King do (did?!) a lovely Angus Steak burger, which even my Mum enjoyed. (She usually hates fast-food burgers)
They also used to do the best Vanilla Milkshake, too, but it's been about 20 years since I tried one of those.

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Mon, 05 Jun 2023, 08:39
Which is Better?

Burger King


I voted for McD. But i do not really prefer one over other.

They both have good things.
For me the reachability is the deciding factor. Usually it's the nearest one to which i may go.
And variety (foodwise) is better than monotony.
Mon, 05 Jun 2023, 12:22
Used to love BK, but I can eat a burger at 11am and still be burping up the char broiled taste at 2am. McDonalds is usually good for 2 days of diarrhea. I avoid both and fast food in general. Even where I live now, there are plenty of Mom & Pop places with much better food, REAL FOOD, and cheaper, too.

For burgers and fries, I prefer them at the Casino at the Umatilla Indian Reservation, good food court there by the movie theater.

However, our local burger place is superb. '50s style and has been there since 1952.:


Menu: https://halshamburgers.com/files/downloads/Hals_Menu.pdf?2210

Burger from Burgers & More at the Casino food court:

I get fries, not onion rings and I do not get bacon, just a double cheeseburger with mustard and extra pickles. Add the fries and a drink and it is still cheaper than a double quarter pounder with cheese value meal at McDonalds with large fries and drink. Not to mention it is made with real food, bigger portions, tastes much better and does not make me sick!
Thu, 08 Jun 2023, 00:04
No clue on either of today's choices as I have never heard of them.
Thu, 08 Jun 2023, 00:55
Same here, not a bloody scooby. I just picked one, it was a case of eeny, meeny, miny, moe.
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