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Socoder -> Question of the Day -> QOTD - January 2024

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Mon, 01 Jan 2024, 01:48

Question of the Day : January 1st

If you had the power to instantly become an expert in any programming language, which one would you choose and why?
Mon, 01 Jan 2024, 01:48
.. For shitz'n'gigglez
Mon, 01 Jan 2024, 05:07
I was thinking Assembly as well. Or C++ because if you were an expert, you could make tons of money saving others from complete disaster. But I'd probably go with rust. It can directly compile to web assembly and is useful for databases, game engines and operating systems, all stuff I'm already interested in.
Tue, 02 Jan 2024, 02:41

Question of the Day : January 2nd

What is your favorite way to relax and unwind after a long day?
Tue, 02 Jan 2024, 02:50
Animal Crossing is a special sort of chill-out zone, for me.
Helps my brain shut down after a crazy day of hefty thinking.

''Load, Next List!''
Tue, 02 Jan 2024, 03:34
1st: Assembly fo sho, but which CPU / System? (Chooses Z80 as 6502 is pretty nailed down now)

2nd: Snuggle up with someone on the Sofa with some anime on.

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Wed, 03 Jan 2024, 00:26

Question of the Day : January 3rd

What is your favorite video game soundtrack from a classic game and why does it resonate with you?
Wed, 03 Jan 2024, 00:36

: Download

Nothing screams "I love my Amstrad CPC" more to me than this.

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Wed, 03 Jan 2024, 02:28
Megaman 2 - Dr Wily Stage 1

If any game got me into the NES it was this one and at my cousins house as a kid, experiencing the epic music after beating all 8 robot bosses felt awesome!

A close second is the music to Exorcist on the Commodore Plus 4 though, the first game I got truly obsessed with, yay Sparky!!!

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Thu, 04 Jan 2024, 02:43

Question of the Day : January 4th

If you could have any career or profession, regardless of qualifications, what would it be?
Thu, 04 Jan 2024, 03:10
Indie Game Developer
Fri, 05 Jan 2024, 01:36

Question of the Day : January 5th

How do you balance your time and energy between making games?
Fri, 05 Jan 2024, 01:37
Define "between"...
Fri, 05 Jan 2024, 02:06
Currently sewing a costume together, never thought I'd be making a fox tail from scratch but, hehe, it's coming along well

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Sat, 06 Jan 2024, 02:42

Question of the Day : January 6th

What is the most memorable or funny thing that happened to you while playing an online multiplayer game?
Sat, 06 Jan 2024, 04:32
It's not online, but my mind jumped back, once more, to college and my LightCycles/Tron game.
Coded in QBasic with absolutely no delta timing or frame limiting or anything.
Our college had a myriad of different PCs.. Looking back, I wonder why it was such a mishmash of different systems. The whole Computer Building was only a year or two old. They must've just grabbed whatever they could to fill up the rooms!!!

But, yeah, every single computer in the building ran at an ever so slightly different speed, to the point where some ended up being about twice as fast as other systems in the building. The result of this was that my unoptimised Tron game would run at different speeds depending on which computer you used.

And since I'd made it playable over the network, the speed of your light cycle would depend on which computer you were using to play it.
Immense fun was had trying to find just the right computer, with the best balance of fast enough to win, but not too fast that it's unplayable.
Ooooh, the fun!!!

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Sat, 06 Jan 2024, 15:18
I would say just all around great nostalgic memories of countless late night hours of Quake 3 Arena back in the day. Fraggin' left and right. I was a mad man. Hardly anyone could touch me.
Sun, 07 Jan 2024, 02:31

Question of the Day : January 7th

What is the most beautiful or artistic classic videogame that you played or admired?
Sun, 07 Jan 2024, 02:58
The Hi-Tec cartoon licensed games always looked gorgeous, to my childhood 8bit eyes.


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Sun, 07 Jan 2024, 14:59
The Ico and Shadow of the Colossus games come right to mind. Stunning and superb.

If those aren't "classic" enough, I guess the King's Quest series, as well as those really nice AGD remakes a few years back.
Mon, 08 Jan 2024, 01:31

Question of the Day : January 8th

What kind of company would you start if someone offered you the money to do so?
Mon, 08 Jan 2024, 01:36
A "making your sleep pattern more normal" company.

''Load, Next List!''
Mon, 08 Jan 2024, 02:06
Oh my gosh, Jay, you also made lots of variants of Tron / Lightcycles in QBasic? That was my lunchtime jam in secondary school also, it was great fun coming up with hew varieties of the game with 4 player modes, moving obstacles, etc, mainly just with the line command, what are thr chances eh?

No way, you made it networkable? damn! I have no idea how you'd go about that in QBasic of all things, awesome!

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Mon, 08 Jan 2024, 03:17
Saved and loaded an x,y co-ordinate to the network drive, for every player, over and over and over and over again!!
I did it in the absolute worst way possible, if I'm honest, but I was assured by the IT staff that the network drive's cache could handle it just fine, and it sure seemed to be able to.
I think they enjoyed playing it, too.

''Load, Next List!''
Mon, 08 Jan 2024, 03:45
If it works, it works cool solution!

I'll have to dig through my drives tonight to see if I still have the old .BAS files

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Mon, 08 Jan 2024, 03:50
Jan 6th: Probably at Uni when we had 6 people playing A game I coded up called Wingmen (asteroids over LAN with charge shots and team based battling, being there whilst people played through game and having fun playing it was great to see

Jan 7th: Megaman 2, it sold me the NES over the megadrive and started my long-living interest in the series

Jan 8th: A Waifu A.I. company, obvs

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
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