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SoCoder -> Link Home -> Just for Fun

Created : 01 February 2008
Edited : 02 February 2008


This is what happens when an Aardvark gets too friendly with a Rat .




Friday, 01 February 2008, 09:19
Aw, cute!
Friday, 01 February 2008, 09:26
Cat sized! Wow..
Looks tiny in the picture!
Friday, 01 February 2008, 11:16
power mousey
that thing is bizarre.

so um you're saying

if you cross an Aardvark

plus a rat

you'll get that cat sized thing.
Friday, 01 February 2008, 16:13
Sewer rats are about the size of cats.
Friday, 01 February 2008, 16:36
power mousey
being a Power Mousey
I knew this. Sewer Rats being one of
my mortal mousey enemies.

I have something to add:

and this is even more bizarre.
New Santa Claus species discovered in Africa.
Called the Galenish Rathbun

He loves Aardvark cat rats as pets.

This species of Santa Claus does not dress in the traditional red and white outfit. But wears jeans and complex and clashing checkered colored shirts and sweaters.
Saturday, 02 February 2008, 02:46
Saturday, 02 February 2008, 08:15
power mousey
thanks steve.

I hope others get a good laugh and understand
my big zoological find.