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SoCoder -> Link Home -> Dev-News

Created : 26 October 2007

labs.mozilla - Prism

"Mozilla Labs is launching a series of experiments to bridge the divide in the user experience between web applications and desktop apps and to explore new usability models as the line between traditional desktop and new web applications continues to blur."

Bloody hell, looks good!



Friday, 26 October 2007, 21:28
Ha! I knew we'd extend the application platform onto the net!
Friday, 26 October 2007, 23:18
Seems a great idea, but right now all it is, is a shortcut on your desktop, which runs a mini-browser in a window.
It really isn't all "that"!

Give it a couple of month, and hopefully with that Google Gears stuff, we'll start to see some pretty decent Online/Offline apps.

(Firefox spellchecker doesn't know Online, or Offline.. .. Or Firefox... or Spellchecker... *sigh*)
Saturday, 27 October 2007, 02:05
I think it's cool. I mean, you've got the Hypertext Applications / HTAs (e.g. DesktopNotepad! ) but they're using the Internet Explorer Trident rendering engine (yeuch!)

Embedding Gecko (Mozilla's rendering engine) into the desktop would be way cool. Combine it with FireFox 3's SQLite database for data storage, and you've got a portable thing that can save proper data too, saving any bloated and clunky VB Scripts.