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SoCoder -> Newsletter Home -> Newsletter

Created : 19 February 2010
Edited : 31 December 1969

#043 - Flying into your inbox

Socoder Newsletter

     "Flying into your inbox"
          #043 - 19th February 2010
Subscribe to Socoder Newsletter

          Tell all your friends!

     ; Hello all

          I can't think of anything to write here, it's far too
          early in the morning. I'm not usually awake yet!
          I should probably make a random generator for these
          bits, and save myself twenty minutes of thinking
          each week!
     Currently Listening To...
          BBC News banging on and on about Eastenders.
          That's not news..
     In the Workshop     
          Little Things

     In the Shoutbox..
          Compo expansions, and pancakes, pancakes, pancakes!
     In the Mudchat
          Changing Colors
          SQL Errors
          Missing Code
          Blood Blisters
          Afr0 Games on Facebook
          Keyboard Cleaning
          C++ vs Webbased
          2D vs 3D
          Amiga to PC
          and 19p
          Join in, it's occasionally fun!

Read Post$

     ; E-Readers
          What's good, what's bad, and is it all worth it?

Read Link$ as Post$
     ; A link to news
          All about how people are freaking out about maps
          showing where they are, after they've accepted the
          fact that the maps would show where they are, and
          agreed to allow the maps to show where they are.

     ; More news
          A news story without a link, without any attribution
          to the original author, and with a screenshot of text,
          rather than actually copy/pasting the text...
     ; A link to a tutorial.
          Neat tutorial, mind, as Teasy teaches us how to make
          a shooty game!

Repeat : Until GameOver

     A whole bunch of new games, every single week!!

>> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
>> Socoder Games
>> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

     ; The Bloobles
          â€¢ 100 Levels
          â€¢ 22 Achievements
          â€¢ 10 Actions
          â€¢ 4 Worlds to Explore
          â€¢ 4 Mini-Games to Unlock
          â€¢ 2 Game Modes
          â€¢ Hours of fun!

     ; Box's Adventure (Jayenkai)
          A quickly made game that appears to have grown in size
          exponentially, leading to games that take about an
          hour to complete. Quite odd that I would make a game
          like this, seeing as how I pretty much hate them!
     ; To The Moon! (Blanko1324)
          Take a rocket all the way to the moon, in Blanko's
          latest adventure.
          Unfortunately, with all the numerous entries into this
          year's GammaIV compo, Blanko didn't quite make the
          shortlist. Dangit..
          If it helps, this guy didn't make the list, either.
>> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
>> Moshboy's "Missed" Games
>> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

     SlumLord27/Moshboy completed his Underrated Indie Games
     list, so is now doing "Games You Might Have Missed".
     Gotta Play 'em All!
     ; #1 - Flyout
          Hey, we know him!!
     ; #2 - Meritous
          Dungeon Shooter!
     ; #3 - Umbrella
          Get the Umbrella down the screen!
     ; #4 - Eyeball 3
          Splitscreen shooter puzzler!!

>> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
>> Pixel Prospector's Games
>> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
     If Authentic Kaizen's new site isn't amazing, I'll be
     ; Cubosphere
          A KulaWorld clone.. (Ball on 3D cubic maze)
     ; Attack of the Paper Zombies
          RTS with ZOMBEEES!!
     ; Invert
          Familiar much?
     ; Invert's sequel
          Much more of an improvement.

Goto Links

     ; A Fitting End (Sticky)
          How to kill a vampire.

     ; Better or Worse (Afr0)
          Cashing in on other people's misfortune.
     ; gedit (HoboBen)
          Another text editor!
     ; Sit inside, and watch videos all day (Tikihead)
          and watch videos all day, and play games, and make
          Sims, and watch videos.

     ; Opera on iPhone (HoboBen)
          The first non-Safari browser headed to iPhone.
          But will it get there??
     ; 5Gb of Cloud (JL235)
          Fill the internet with your garbage!
     ; Pick a card, but try not to mess up the order! (HoboBen)
          Placing cards into a specific sequence apparently lets
          you hide secret messages!!

     ; Shop-a-check (HoboBen)
          I'm still not convinced this'd work, but there's a
          tool that lets you see easily where tweaked parts of
          an image exist.
Many Much Bloggings

     ; Kettle Power! (Jayenkai)
          How much power do your household objects use? I've
          not had time to fiddle around with my latest gadget,
          yet, but I will do!
     ; Core Animation fiddling (Cower)
          Noel's playing around with some neat looking Mac UI
     ; Ubuntu (Spinal)
          Not everybody loves it.
     ; Pseudo Randomly Generated Music (Jayenkai)
          I made a maker for making music!
     ; Afr0 Gets (Afr0)
          Afr0 inexplicably decides to list his collection
          of movies and games, but doesn't put it into any
          particular order. Boooo!!!
          If I did that, I'd have to just take photos. Can't
          be arsed typing "Stargate" 50-odd times.


     ; Assembly Starter! (cthug)
          cthug has decided to post a nice lengthy starting
          point, for learning Assembly!
          Something I've never quite been bothered to do.
          If I had any time at all, right now, I'd probably be
          giving it a whirl!


     ; DBF's "Liquid" Compo
          Make a nice Liquid based demo type thing.     

     ; PlaySushi's "Adventure" Compo
          Make an adventure game, but you have to use Flash
          and you have to be in the US.
          That would've been a good reason for me to finally do
          a new JNKPlat game in Flash, but it's US only, so
          they can sod off.


     Every time you see a bit.ly link in the newsletters, it's
     because the target site has a url that's insanely long,
     and would completely break up the width of the newsletter.
     Why do sites, nowadays, insist on using up as much space
     as possible for their urls?
     Take the DBF link for example.
     Let's break it down..
     https:// - Is a Webpage (important bit)
     www. - Is still a Webpage
     dbfinteractive.com/ - At this domain (important bit)
     forum/ - Is the Forum
     index.php/ - Is definitely the Forum
     topic, - Is definitely still the Forum (important bit)
     4642.0 - Is this part of forum (important bit)
     .html - Is definitely still a Webpage
     https:// - Webpage
     socoder.net/ - Domain
     ?topic= - Forum
     1886 - This bit..
     SO much neater!
     Make 'em short, people!!
Random Youtubeyness

     Got Wood?
     Your Schwartz is as big as mine..
     Hitler on Hitler
     webpage, webpage, domain, video, video, this one : *sigh*

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