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SoCoder -> Newsletter Home -> Newsletter

Created : 31 May 2013
Edited : 31 December 1969

#178 - Newsletter X-Treme

; Newsletter X-Treme

#0178 - Friday 31st May 2013

Subscribe to Socoder Newsletter


Every Friday, Unless My Dog Ate It


; Making Excuses

You know, I don't mind making excuses when I simply can't be arsed to do something, but in recent weeks I've found myself having to make excuses for other people, and that's really a strange place to be in.

My boss (ex-boss!) decided, in October, to leave his job. It's a family run shop, and, long story short, the two brothers couldn't get along. Once I was no longer there, the two of them had to deal with each other instead of using me as a buffer zone, and six months later, enough was enough!
It took him a long long time to find himself a new job, and in the past couple of week's he's finally made the transition from Shop-Owner-Guy to Call-Center-Guy!
He's finally out of the hellhole, and is well on the road to beginning his new life.
.. Meanwhile, the shop's starting to fall to pieces without him, the shelves are apparently looking quite bare, and folk are starting to ask ME all about events!

Is the shop closing?
Are they going out of business?!
What's going on!!?

I have to keep making excuses, like "transitional phases" and "finding the time to get more organised" and other crap like that. It's strange to have to put words into other people's mouths, when you only have part of the story to tell.

A year and a half after last setting foot in the shop, I'm still seemingly a large part in daily events, there.

Seems you just can't get rid of me!

; Unsure Randomness

Jayenkai's stuck in some sort of rut, at the minute, and so appears to be coding odd silly oddities, instead of focusing on his games like he's supposed to be doing.

; What We Done Didded

Our monthly recap of the things we managed to achieve this month, as we. Run though accomplishments, failures, and generally applaud ourselves for having done so much in such a short amount of time.

; Yet Another Console

Android is pretty much getting it's ass fucked at every turn.
If it wasn't bad enough having to develop for thousands of different devices, with different button layouts, screen resolutions and even screen depths, there's now a new breed of insanity taking the reigns.
Here's yet another example of someone thinking it's a good idea to strip away the main sodding part of an Android device, it's sodding screen, and then pretending it's a console.


; Patent Wars

Another week,another crazy shit-stirring company comes along pretending they invented some bullshit thing.
This week, some idiots have decided that they "invented podcasts", and have started to sue the buggery out of everyone.
FFS!! Patents!! Grrrrr!!

; Achievement Unlocked

A fun Puzzle-Platformer, from Kongregate. Can you figure out how to play, and unlock all the achievements!?

; Sonic X-Treme!

In a strange turn of events, it appears that someone at SegaHQ found an old prototype of Sonic X-Treme, and thought "hey, you know, that might actually work!!"
Introducing Sonic and the Lost World!
True, the end result will probably be yet another shit Modern-Sonic game, with hundreds and thousands of things to complain about, but this minute's worth of footage is a fuckton more exciting than the whole hour of Microsoft's XBone unveiling!
(Note : This week's newsletter was typed out whilst the Sonic Generations OST was playing in the background. .... Just like last week's!)

Countdown to Plattown : 2 weeks!

; Our Rob or Ross

A picture of a snake eating it's own tail.

; Musical Tastes

A thread about music!

; Wormhole X-Treme!

A wormhole opens up, and sucks folk into a parallel universe. It's just like in Sliders, except it makes even less sense!
(Note : I had to fight with AutoCorrect to allow the word X-Treme.. It kept changing it to X-Tremendous!!)


Seems legit: via @imgur #XboxOne

The best email sign-off I've ever received.

Security are keeping me away from Jenna but R2 is my friendly metal pal

God, sorry, I really am screaming into the abyss tonight. Here's a video of a kitten riding a tortoise

#Pokémon Red & Blue - Early Concept Art Now Translated (Massive Update!)

How to recycle your old wellington boots

; Football

I'd probably watch more sports, if they did more stuff like this!

View on YouTube

; Fresh!

Will Smith and his Son rap together.

; Classic

A fantastic reboot of a classic 80s TV show!

; VGRemix

Tetris B, Orchestrated

; Cookery

Norman and Kevin show you how.

End Of

; Ooooh, a link!

Random Bonus Link


Load, Next List!

