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Socoder -> On Topic -> Coder's Block

Wed, 22 May 2013, 07:03

All my recent games appear to be hitting some kind of roadblock, and I'm not sure why.

1. Patent Wars
.. well, I know what's up with this one. It's the same thing that was up with it the last time.
I can draw a board, I can draw silly cards, I can draw counters, and get dice going and players moving.
But then I need to add all sorts of GUI elements, and menus and options and .. eeeeurgh.. I'd forgotten how shit it is, doing a board game.

2. Advanced Cavern Simulator
This is pretty much the exact same roadblock. Can imagine what the game should look, but can't be arsed making all those gnatty menus and things to make it happen.
Should be a fun game, but won't be until I can't be arsed to make it work.

3. MLG : Microscopic Lifeform Genocide (Microbes 3)
Should be fun, but seems to be stuck without any actual gameplay.
The microbes are there, the petri dish is there, the shooty thing is there. The microbes spread nicely, the bullets shoot well.
.. Then that's it.
I'm not sure what the game needs. Maybe powerups, not sure.
Just a bit dull to be honest.

4. JNKPlat
Unlike the previous three games, this one hasn't even been started yet.
Mostly because the one main big element of JNKPlat is probably, more than likely improbable.
Monkey has file-access issues, so loading and saving external levels is more than likely a no-go area.
This means that, if I DID decide to tackle a JNKPlat, I'd have to do the whole lot in one go.
All new game, all new gfx, and all new levels.
And enough levels to keep folk entertained, since there wouldn't be an editor.

There's then the added issue of it having to be touchscreen compatible, which would need (nnngh) onscreen buttons to make it playable.

.. JNKPlat needs a complete rethink, and I haven't come up with anything interesting yet.

''Load, Next List!''
Thu, 23 May 2013, 10:01
I relieved today's Coder's Block by doing something completely different.

Messy, Messy, Messy, MESSY code..
Lovely end result!

''Load, Next List!''
Mon, 27 May 2013, 04:26
It's not quite as complex as the above version, mostly due to me not wanting to crap out the system, but I got a nice realtime version of the testcard working in Monkey.

This screen will, from here onwards, be used to do some much needed scrolling credits.
For reference, I've added resolution figures to the display, too.. Top left being actual res, top right being virtual target res. (the third figures being framerate, left = Update, right = Render)

Fairly complex amount of stuff going on, there, and I've yet to test it on Android and iOS, to ensure it all runs smoothly, but.. .. *should* work ok..!!

|edit| And, yes.. I have finally gotten around to drawing lower-case letters for the EditUndo font! |edit|

''Load, Next List!''
Tue, 28 May 2013, 12:36
So, I started thinking about a Dice based game, and figured I could do with a nice high-definition dice sprite.

... Oh dear..
I don't need a perfect Dice sprite. The sprite that I now have is good enough, and will do the job, so I'm not quite sure why this is annoying the fuck out of me, but.. there we have it!!

For the third time in the past week or so, I've found myself going back to Blitz3D.
Event number one was to create a nice spinning Beach Ball, which you can find in the latest iOS version of SpikeDislike2.
Well, once I'd bothered to reinstall it, it seems I'm finding nothing but uses for the smegging thing.

Event number two was to create the great big lovely Testcard Super-Hi-Definition image seen above. Both BlitzMax and Monkey seem to dislike saving images that are bigger than the current resolution, whereas Blitz3D seems to be able to do whatever the fuck you want! Nice

Event three... Render a dice.
Oh, god, why did I start!?
.. Well, I know why I started, I wanted a nice new Dice sprite.
But why did I attempt to do a fully rendered 3D movement version?
I don't need it!!!
Instead, I've stuck to 6 "Face" sprites, and a bunch of randomly rotated "rolling" sprites, which will "do the job"..
I don't NEED full rotation!!

Fucking Dice.zip!
^ Requires Blitz3D

Results in this..

Now, that looks pretty neat, but there's issues.

Issue one is obvious once you start looking carefully.
Going downwards, the dice rotates to the right.
Going across, it rotates down.
This is a number quirk, and is easily fixable..
But, take a look at the "2"..
The "Flat" 2 is 5th across, on the top row.
Look what happens as you move down the image..

That's a bit odd, isn't it..
It's not rolling, it's just spinning!!

Anyway, I then remembered why this was so fucking tricky to do, when I tried it a few years ago.
Grab a dice. Go on, go and get one!!

Start at one, roll it right, then down, then left, then up.
You should be back at your starting point.

How the hell do you get a spritesheet that does that!?!

I've wasted a lot of time buggering about with this, today.
I'm done, sod it!!
The sprites I have are good enough for the purpose.
It's only a smegging random dice-roll, it doesn't even need to be this complex, and I don't know why I spent all day trying to figure it out.


waste of time!

''Load, Next List!''
Tue, 28 May 2013, 14:23
The Dice Sprite looks good.

The test pattern is nice. I can remember making one some time ago in PShop.
It went into a graphic I made and then I forgot about it until now.
