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QOTD : I'm not a cheapskate...

19th September 2008

I finally splurged on a 52'' LCD TV, nice little chunk of cash. It was on sale for 895$, but then an infuriating thing occurred: they released a better version of the same model for only 800$, leaving me feeling jipped. i hate when that crap happe*snip*


Infantry project close to beta test

19th September 2008

'lo all! My little Infantry revival project is coming close to it's second beta test. This real-time multiplayer action game is many years in the making, me being one of the earliest beta testers and now part of the dev team.
This release comes with a sc*snip*


Sarah Palin: I hate you.

16th September 2008

lol Matt Damon.
So, Hmmm... We have a black guy, or a mummy with a bimbo sidekick...
America is f*cked.


Spore: Did you see this coming?

14th September 2008

I agree with it's punishing the honest, putting all of these barriers up only further drives people to want to crack said software. But it seems the only way to keep things in check is to be overbearing, sadly enough.
Has any game on STEAM been circumvent*snip*


Spore: Did you see this coming?

13th September 2008

Exactly what afr0 just said - seems either way, you're boned, so why not just go ahead when the time comes and use a crack? it's not like you're missing out anything.
Or is the issue here that we shouldn't HAVE to crack it?


Spore: Did you see this coming?

13th September 2008

I understand it's in place to protect software developers from being slapped around by piracy, but the methods and measures people are going to are overwhelming and detrimental. I guess i should reword it from fuck the dmca to 'stop being stupid, software *snip*


Spore: Did you see this coming?

13th September 2008

[code]Any patch circumventing the protection would violate the DMCA and make you a felon.[/code]
Fuck the DMCA.


QOTD : Incorrect grammar

12th September 2008

Also i've seen a store that had a Mens' section.. plural Mens? a group of mens? what the hell


QOTD : Incorrect grammar

11th September 2008

There's a store near my house, beer section says:
[code]keg's and tap's available[/code]


QOTD : Hey, it's you!

5th September 2008

My sister had this woman come into her shop one time, and say the most peculiar thing.
"You look like my daughter! ...she died 10 years ago. She would have been your age now"
How are you supposed to respond to THAT!? o.O


Infantry project back

4th September 2008

It just won't die!


Google Browser!

3rd September 2008

Took at look at Chrome, it was OK but nothing amazing. It's cool and all, don't get me wrong, but until i see some whiz-bang 'change my view' stuff, Im just keeping with firefox, screw it.


GGAAHH - Steam hath betrayed me...

30th August 2008

Actually!! do a run over of your steam dir for *.sav files.


GGAAHH - Steam hath betrayed me...

29th August 2008

'nuff said.


Anything new for Socoder?

28th August 2008

Damn it!


QOTD : Oh, Whatever it's called...

27th August 2008

That useless key i hardly ever think about using.
*edit* Im glad my keyboard has the option to disable that bloody thing.


Anything new for Socoder?

25th August 2008

I know one: Email notification for topic replies. Always a plus to keep on the ball when someone replies to a time critical topic!


Anything new for Socoder?

23rd August 2008

Works fine here, albeit can get a little glitched out at times, Random enters, sometimes dropping what i said / double posting... hard to duplicate, but overall it works


Anything new for Socoder?

23rd August 2008

Albeit Facebook is a cluttered mess, they even tried to address it's cluttered-messedness by admitting to it and busting things into smaller group.
Then I laugh at MySpace for copying that freakin' apps idea, guh...
Sign now, plz, thx, NOW*snip*


Anything new for Socoder?

22nd August 2008

Maybe a persistent MUDchat, could be nice... I hate navigating away from it.
Other than that, the site is functional. I agree with Jay on the 3D avs thing. One, i don't like a shitload of Java APIs running in the background. Two, imagine our friends who *snip*


Keep an eye on your iPod !.

22nd August 2008

based upon my personal opinion, I do not think iPods deliver the biggest 'bang for your buck'. I've had many friends who've owned one, and countless little glitches have popped up. They're amazing for storage, but for what me, (read: Myself; Mog) looks for*snip*


Keep an eye on your iPod !.

20th August 2008

iPod - For trend whores who go for style, not functionality
...let the f***s burn.


Windows file assiciation!!!!!111111

12th August 2008

Afr0, Take your own advice on forum etiquette and don't bring personal politics in irrelevant topics.


Car transmission prices

12th August 2008

Yeah, could have, but my roommate is set on a Ford Probe. it's kind of 'his car', y'know? Our boss offered to help buy a Madza 3, but was turned down just because we thought this project would be easier on the brain.
I wouldn't call it a failure. It has a*snip*


Car transmission prices

11th August 2008

Well, we've resolved it.. cost a s*** load of the green stuff and alot of headache. Turns out, 3rd and 4th were welded together (Huzzah) and many other various snowballed problems. 2000 dollars later and its almost complete. Going tomorrow to pick it up an*snip*

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