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Socoder -> Off Topic -> Save The Planet - Be Vegan

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Sat, 23 Sep 2017, 06:14
"Electricity Tax"
*rabble rabble rabble*

"Solar License"

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Sat, 23 Sep 2017, 07:38
This is what they reckon we'll be getting next year. I know it runs on fuel, but it burns it in a very different way to how an IC engine does. They reckon then can supply these for around a grand. It basically compliments the batteries on current EVs.

View on YouTube
Sat, 23 Sep 2017, 07:58
There wont be 'range anxiety' once every petrol station gets themselves a couple of charging points.

Anyone remember nitrogen power cells? Those oil companies will fight like hell to stop people using a better option.

Check out my excellent homepage!
Sat, 23 Sep 2017, 08:01
You can have all the charging stations you want, but when you have to stop to recharge every 120 miles or so, and the process takes several hours, the whole thing is just silly.
Sat, 23 Sep 2017, 08:08
I imagine that might be the case right now, but batteries have come along leaps and bounds in the past decade.
Pushed by phones and cars, the battery folk have reached a point where they're considering replacing the old lithium tech with something even more substantial.
I have high hopes for that sort of future, and with the 2040 deadline looming, things can only get better.

... Hell, if my phone can last longer than a few hours, it'll be worth it!

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Sat, 23 Sep 2017, 08:50
With all the bullshit they use to keep us all paying through the nose, it won't be long before some crusty tree-hugging cunt convinces society believe that electric motors cause magnetism-induced cancer or make them believe the battery emits ozone-destroying fumes.
Sat, 23 Sep 2017, 09:04
Apparently the Tesla range offer around 300 miles per charge, that should last most people at least a day. Also with their 'fastcharge' stations, you get 50% charge in 20 minutes. That's about enough time for a cup of tea and a sandwich. The problems are only problems if you look at them as such.

Check out my excellent homepage!
Sat, 23 Sep 2017, 09:40
If you aren’t already subscribed to Fully Charged, do so.. Kryten knows all about electronics.

Fully Charged

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