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power mousey

New Visual Programming System been launched.

15th May 2007

but as a certain genius of ancell
has said in reply to another post
concerning XNA:
"just as with cheese, it will mature with age" ;)
Besides, I'm a big kid at heart. So this must be aimed
at me. :D
I was certainly impressed with this Profess*snip*

power mousey

Inselkampf : Browser-Based MMORPG

15th May 2007

yeah, Pieman that would be cool. :D
same principal. Like in the old games of
Master of Orion, Dune game series, and
even Starcraft too.
City or colony shields, power generators,
worker/soldier/scientist units, and buildings and
housing struct*snip*

power mousey

Inselkampf : Browser-Based MMORPG

14th May 2007

But what if they put the Orange Crush on you first? :D
In their attacking...the attacker(s) overwhelm
your defenses and offenses as well. :(
oh well, thank gosh Josh its just a game. :-)

power mousey

Some second hand software

14th May 2007

what are some of those German Programming books?
and a translation please :D..
if the titles are in German. ;)

power mousey

Some second hand software

13th May 2007

thats a good price Sebe
er um I mean f4ktor. :-)
I probably would...but I have PureBasic.
So anyone who wants to buy PureBasic
go for it! :-)
whoaaaa!! DarkBasicPro and DarkShader has been sold!??
And before PureBasic. I thought the Pure would*snip*

power mousey

Site bug?

13th May 2007

why don't you just send an email to the person
you like or want to talk too.

Until the PM system is fixed for you. Your side of it.

power mousey

Inselkampf : Browser-Based MMORPG

13th May 2007

yes, as I told a friend who plays this game
if you are going to attack or being attacked
then inform...if you can...other members of your
Do not go totally banarama or with island madness
in attacking other alliances or non-members.

power mousey

Yeay! Spinal!

13th May 2007

welcome Spinal :)
Spinal Tap welcomes you too.

power mousey

May 2007 - "Other Skills" month

13th May 2007

whewwwwwww!!!! cool :-)
I started to dance to this. Ahhhhhhh true.
A little tippity tappity too. :)
Some other songs you might want to learn
and key in on your piano.
Point of No Return by Nu Shooz.
Secret Message by Nu Shooz
One of these Nig*snip*

power mousey

Wtd : Title for new section..

13th May 2007

stealth, stealth, stealth
have you ever been in the Boy or Cub Scouts?
Or even in the Indian Guides? Ever been hang out
with some of your friends at their house or even
gone camping together.
Ever been around a campfire or up at night
and ove*snip*

power mousey

So did anyone buy a PS3?

12th May 2007

hey diablo,
are you going to buy any?
Now this is interesting. Especally,
with the holographic card reader. Dude....
and I say dude!!
This blows me away. Thank you for waking me
up and helping me take my head out of my complacent
sands or grai*snip*

power mousey

but hey about game consoles...

12th May 2007

I used to play lots of games in the past.
haha!! :) "games in the past"--> game sin the past. ;)
anyway, yeah I know how its like
not to completely finish games.
I think the only games that I completed
or if I remember are Bards Tale 1,2,3 *snip*

power mousey

but hey about game consoles...

11th May 2007

regardless if one is better than the other
has more or better games
is cheaper or inexpensive to this$ and that$
or even it has the latest greatest:
as long as you have fun with it
and a good gaming experience with it.*snip*

power mousey

So did anyone buy a PS3?

11th May 2007

thank you, f4ktor.
I'll have to check into that new Starcraft. :)
I do like RPGs such as Might and Magic series and the Fallout series but I like more of these action and isometric RPGs.
M ade popular with such games as Diablo 1,2 and the StarCraft*snip*

power mousey

So did anyone buy a PS3?

11th May 2007

you used to have a Super Nes...Super Nintendo.
I did too...along with a Sega Genesis as well.
Back to back and play by play gaming
on both consoles. On the Sega Genesis....
one of my favorite games was Valos.
I would play that all the t*snip*

power mousey

Wtd : Title for new section..

11th May 2007

:D n :P

power mousey

So did anyone buy a PS3?

11th May 2007

Sebe....er I mean now f4ktor
you need and saving up cash for Cobra.
And you bought a PS3. ouch!!
hmmmmmmm....perhaps that could be one of the reasons
why you need to save up money for Cobra.
I'm sure you will have fun with your PS3.
As for me.*snip*

power mousey

No BASIC forums?

10th May 2007

of you want and like to talk about
Basic4GL, then by all means please do.
cheers :D
power mousey

power mousey

Wtd : Title for new section..

10th May 2007

it wasn't obvious.
I thought 'Wtd' meant 'What the devil'
or perhaps When the deed is done...or kind of
thing. Sorry, but 'WanTeD' never came up.

power mousey

Wtd : Title for new section..

10th May 2007

I think you're right, blanko.
yeah, you are. true. :D
I just thought of "what the devil!" :)

power mousey

Game Time!

10th May 2007

my little contribution:
Rain, rain
ahhh beautiful,
soothing rain
cleanses the Earth
washes away the pollen
rids of excess dirt and dust
refreshes life
in all its myriad forms.

but sometimes....
with acts of man
Mother Nature
Cries w*snip*

power mousey

Wtd : Title for new section..

10th May 2007

WTd-->What the devil(diablo) ;)
but hey how about this for a title?
Its based on a low budget sci-fi thriller
from 2004 that I saw a week ago. And pretty good
one too.
Also, since the shapes and structures of the sections
are patterned after re*snip*

power mousey

Birthday - one day late

10th May 2007

yes, I like that episode a lot too.
I was hoping that the so-called psychic would get away
with his crime. Yet, I knew in the back of my mind that he
would get caught and/or blow it somehow.
Yes, Columbo proved he was a remote viewer under those *snip*

power mousey

Wtd : Title for new section..

10th May 2007

hahaa :)
yeah, something like The Campfire
or Codeworks. I like those. :)
Programming Parables
stories,lessons, writing add-on articles of the Parables and Fables of coding and programming. Sorta like Aesops' Fables but with lots of source code*snip*

power mousey

Birthday - one day late

10th May 2007

hahaaa :-)
well, I was half n half.
Like cream and milk.
Yet, take it up and ask Blitz3dman for a present.
Since he wished you a happy birthday...and very
By the way, Diablo, I have seen the boxed sets of Columbo
over at Best Buy. An*snip*

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