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Trying out organic 3D modelling

20th January 2013

Well, we had a learning workshop today, and since this is kind of a moderny-futuristic SPACE MINING COLONY BUT OH NO STRIFE game, there are guns and stuff since everything is trying to kill you.
So after my designer smashed some things together in Photosh*snip*


Trying out organic 3D modelling

20th January 2013



Trying out organic 3D modelling

20th January 2013

Jay- Was an aftertouch, just to see how it'd look IF i developed it.
An earlier model looked like this, without eyes:


Trying out organic 3D modelling

19th January 2013

So i'm still being an antiquated bastard and working on my Blitz3D project, Pyroxene. Since i'm a one-man show on this (except for my design guy, who's sitting behind me doodling on whiteboards as I write this), I'm having to work on all of the programming*snip*



22nd December 2012

Why pay for this crap when you can do what I did at that age and find a way to make money - EG: Mowing/Maintaining lawns, and get yourself one of these
Kid was on a Specialized- his parents could afford it anyways!


"Reset" Atmosphere Test

19th December 2012

I don't have atmospheric scattering, or puffy clouds :P


Souts to Blitzcoders just found you all again <3

30th November 2012

I remember you, Nullmind- Remember me?


Still trying to push Blitz to its limits

30th November 2012

@Afro: thinking about it- though all of this would be kind of hard to work in. We're doing preliminaries on it to see if it's possible, though don't get your hopes up.
Jay: Thanks!


Still trying to push Blitz to its limits

29th November 2012

Hi All,
I'm not dead (at least not yet), and I've found more time to develop my little engine thing I had shelved in Blitz, which I'm calling Pyroxene (don't know if I've said this before!)
Anyways, here's a whole lot of different stuff to look at, from *snip*


Translating rotation to vector components?

6th October 2012



Translating rotation to vector components?

5th October 2012

Hi all,
Playing around with Bullet physics some more, but I'm stumped on something (mostly from not having to use this sort of math in so long!). I'm trying to convert the orientation of an object to a normal so i can Raycast in that direction, but so far*snip*


Back, Yet again...

4th October 2012

We were actually considering that! We spent an entire dev meeting simply reminiscing about Motocross madness- What is it about that game that made it so awesome? Needless to say, we'll most likely have dirt bikes in whatever comes of this.
...or something*snip*


Back, Yet again...

4th October 2012

'lo all,
Yet another I'm back again after a long hiatus - mostly a medical thing brought on by a bad accident I suffered a while back that snapped my left arm in 3 places and ripped muscles in my back and neck.
I lost a lot of drive to program and almos*snip*


What i've been working on

1st February 2012

Yeah, I agree i never seem to finish anything, but i guess it's because i never really plan to finish it. Call it exercises... Maybe someday i will.


What i've been working on

1st February 2012

DD: Yeah, it loads/unloads based on a 3x3 matrix around you, even going as far as only updating entities that fall within your immediate surroundings, otherwise things like physics bodies, terrain, entities, ect, are hidden / are only updating superficiall*snip*


What i've been working on

1st February 2012

Hey guys,
Just thought i'd pop in and show a little progress of what i've been working on. It's more of a prototype idea i'm playing around with in Blitz3D (yes, i still use Blitz3D, more on this in a bit) - For now, Observe:
I'm calling t*snip*


What Have You Done : 07th December 2011

7th December 2011

What did you get done this week.
[*]Busting out a new incarnation of my ever-indev framework
[*]Returning from a long, long Hiatus
[*]Creating a mass-UPS bank in my basement
Did everything turn out as planned?
It's been slow progress on personal *snip*


Try out Windows Metro on your Phone

5th December 2011

[quote]Microsoft's gone to shit, lately..[/quote]


3D Landscapes

4th December 2011

It's not exactly 30 being rendered, rather 30 within the preload buffer - If you look closely in the picture, you can see a patchwork effect (Thanks, crappy detail texture!), since the terrains are made off of a series of meshes. There's only really around*snip*


3D Landscapes

4th December 2011

Looks good Afro, seems we both have been working on the same thing in the past few days


Averaging / ''Smoothing'' a 2 dimensional array?

23rd November 2011

Hey guys,
Brains really off and i can't remember for the life of me how to smooth out the data in an array by averaging it all together, any tips / pointers?


Making an array of arrays in blitzmax?

25th September 2011

Roy - What jay does with 'Blitzarrays' could be used in types - kind of a bastard hack way of multidims within a type.
Now on to blitzmax, i kind of figured out what was needed, although it's a little kludgy in my opinion - it's done with slicing.


Making an array of arrays in blitzmax?

24th September 2011

Hey guys,
Been a while - have been doing other projects lately but started up programming again, and like usual, blitzmax and its arrays are making me rage.
Im trying to convert some C# code from someones perlin noise example, and i came across this litt*snip*


Mouse Without Borders

13th September 2011

Cool story Microsoft, but Input Director amongst other things, did it first.


TV Media Players

23rd April 2011

MKVs not common? i use Matroska for a lot of stuff and have seen multiple instances of it being used. DivX seems to be the more popular, however.

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