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power mousey

Site Updates - April 2007

17th April 2007

I have to come out of my shy shell....
please Jay please remove the brightly
colored topic title bars. They are harsh
on the eyes.
Or please...lighten the colors.
I'd rather we have infrad red and ultra violent. ;)
not a moan bu*snip*

power mousey


15th April 2007

hahaa :D
must put on my tinfoil hat.

power mousey

Wait for Input

14th April 2007

yes Python is mostly object oriented.
yet, you can write programs without the object orientation.
However, if you use and implement pygame and even
LiveWires then be ready freddy for a whole set
of object orientations and dependencies and interdepen*snip*

power mousey


14th April 2007

yeah, Phoenix! :D
the Phoenix rises again.
your avabar is fresh and firey too. :-)
cheers fiery bird :)
power mousey

power mousey

Wait for Input

14th April 2007

yeah, thats right.
you guys are right.
I put aside Python and especially Cobra
and fired up ye ole Blitz and looked into the help
files for these commands.
you all are absolutely right.
well...I should of known this. But,
I haven't used Blitz *snip*

power mousey


14th April 2007

certainly not the extended names
nor the extended numbers of the
coming beast or Antichrist of 666! :/
Couldn't be your Fema camp number. :/
Or even your National Id number as well? :/
I give up...what is it? How does it relate
to b3d? :D

power mousey

nobody seems to know...

14th April 2007

yeah, cool!
your next game should be but what else???....
plain and simple too.
cape, boots, gloves, optional.
but be sure to pack your 3d ray too. ;)
cheers :D
power mousey

power mousey

A "big" project

14th April 2007

hahaa :D
odd?....you betcha! :D
makes the world go around. ;)
although, I'll try to elaborate more.
With dirt on my sorry.
extends hand and says "face".
and/or the other way around too.
sorry..and cheers :D
power mousey

power mousey

Wait for Input

14th April 2007

well hey,
in Python using pygame
you use your event handling system witin the game loop
for all events that have happened within that particualr frame
and then from the list you choose and decide which event to
capture and perform what it is you wa*snip*

power mousey

A "big" project

14th April 2007

okay, Jay.
Maybe it needed to be said or maybe not.
I'm walk away from this
with dirt on my face...and rightly so.
It was just the manner in which he said/posted it.
You and your smiley seemed
shocked and sad a little, though.

power mousey

A "big" project

13th April 2007

and hey hobo,
Chyfieitha at Cymraeg/Welsh....
cheers :D
power mousey

power mousey

A "big" project

13th April 2007

you have insulted Jay, our home Socoder,
and the rest of us here.
Yes, at Socoder we may not see eye to eye at times
and yes we have our disagreements and ups and downs.
But its our home and home away from home.

Yet, either apologize*snip*

power mousey

A "big" project

13th April 2007

See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil.
wooooops!! :/
but hey ingenium,
I'm English American Python and real
Livewires too. cough...cough :/
new editey: later gentlemen. More important things came up
and beside*snip*

power mousey

QOTD - Storyline

13th April 2007

I don't know.....
those are only a few of them. There are some more
to choose from and decide upon.
if it were to choose and decide I'd
definitely let the Girl Scout in.
Yeah, you're right I'd take Mike in.
If I could only take t*snip*

power mousey

Wait for Input

13th April 2007

its :D
just had a Power AMP shortage.
Found more sources :) and reconnected too.

ahhhhhhhh!! True.
power mousey

power mousey

Wait for Input

13th April 2007

thank you Jay and steve. :)
for showing and offering your codes to help.
I understand a little bit know of whats
going on. Mike, I sorta know a little more
of whats going on and perhaps what you were
power mousey

power mousey

nobody seems to know...

13th April 2007

I didn't know that.
Thank you, Blitz3dman. :)
Continue with your game...no matter what.
cheers :D
power mousey

power mousey

Wait for Input

13th April 2007

maybe I don't follow what you're trying to do.
lets see....
first, poll thru the loop.
tinker and determine if there isn't any mouse input
to delay a little more...if this is what you want.
Yet, in general the game loop will include a*snip*

power mousey

QOTD - Storyline

13th April 2007

after the big one hits....
and also an intro screen or scene or perhaps
small movie in your game.
hmmmm...how would you open up this end of the world and survival game? Also how you develop this game?
Perhaps a combination adventure,*snip*

power mousey

Wait for Input

13th April 2007

yes mike :)
I just poll it thru the game loop.
Cause your mousey x,y coordinates may change
or a click can occur. then, I check for
any specific mouse click or area/boundary movement.
thats what I did in Cobra. ;)
And also in Blitz myself.
Yet, i*snip*

power mousey

Power Mousey Randomness!

13th April 2007

yeah, I remember that post. :D
and with clownhunter, Smirvov, Ryan, and
even erebel55 himself.
I miss DNA. He did a lot of spiraling
and double helixing too. :D
I wonder if he ever completed it?
I'd call it Bay Area Bikinis. :)
The theme so*snip*

power mousey

Power Mousey Randomness!

12th April 2007

yeah, whatever happened to DNA?
um....genetic splicing and enhancements? :D
but yes and true!
chicks, chips, cheese, caffeine and cheers :D
power mousey

power mousey

QOTD - Storyline

12th April 2007

Maybe he got it from watching one or both
of these movies.
Yet, its cool. Stay and stick with your game.
I can envision as one of the characters in your
game as a muscle bound Governor of California
forced to deliver mail as well since
the big e*snip*

power mousey

QOTD - Storyline

12th April 2007

sorta sound similar and familiar too.
yet, I was also joking with you. :D
Have you see either movies?
here are info linkys to both:
power mousey

power mousey

QOTD - Storyline

12th April 2007

hey BlitzMan of 3d, :D
is this Running Man a combination of
Arnold Schwarzenegger and Kevin Costner? :)
Arnold in the movie the Running Man
and Kevin Costner in the Postman.
power mousey

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