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power mousey

#094 - The Atari 2600 Challenge

5th April 2007

I first offered it to shroom. But since he cannot
or isn't going to enter this week.
Too much eye strain on those g forces from staring
at Jay and others. haha :) Sorry, shroom.
I will offer it first to flying cucco
and then to others. Its*snip*

power mousey

The Lost Apology...

5th April 2007

hello everybody :-)
with a duplicate of the key. The key of room 10
I have unlocked the door to the Mysterious Motel.
The magic place.
I have found and recovered the object known as the
Lost Apology.
serious. I owe everybody here an apology.
I a*snip*

power mousey

#094 - The Atari 2600 Challenge

4th April 2007

I withdraw my guns
from the Outlaw.
I holster dem up in
Tombstone. Although, I'm
not a Clanton! Nor do I hate the Earps either.

power mousey

#094 - The Atari 2600 Challenge

4th April 2007

hahaa :)
Donkey Kong
Donkey Kong
Donkey Kong
Who has a big throng
For a certain plumbers' wong?
Donkey Kong

next stanza.... ;)

power mousey

#093 - The Future Challenge

4th April 2007

how about one of these weeks
a staring challenge.
true!! :)
create a screensaver or screen-saver type
of program of someone,some character, something
that stares at you....and you can't help but
stare back in awe, or weird, *snip*

power mousey

#094 - The Atari 2600 Challenge

3rd April 2007

I'll might do an Outlaw screen
or shot. ;)
cheers Nolan Bushnell boys :)
and Chucky Cheese children too.

power mousey

Another little toy to add to my collection.

3rd April 2007

oh yeah, :)
I have.
Last night while at work
I showed Rauljio(Raw-hee-lee-ohhh)
your new toy and told him about your
RF planes. He was amzed and interested. :-)
I'll show Danny tonite..no doubt.
He has that cousin who is into both those rad*snip*

power mousey

Stealth's April Fools Gag

1st April 2007

I like Socoder a lot!! true :-)
a Home away from Home.
true, its people choices and decisions!
but, if more people would get off their
asses and sour dispositions and be more open,initiatory, welcoming we'd probably have more of a family and frien*snip*

power mousey

Google Tisp - Free broadband

1st April 2007

Free Broadband.
yeah!!, free broads in a band. :-)
I like Britney Spears...but with hair. ;)

power mousey

Oh really?

31st March 2007

now, if I won the Super Loot...
ahhhh the Super Lotto :)-
Move to sunny warm Santa Monica
and Venice Beach too. (- -)

roller babes n beach bums :-)
power mousey

power mousey

Future Workshop suggestions..

31st March 2007

the nothing challenge.
Everybody submits a black screen
or transparent screen of zero amounts
of red,green,blue radiated wavelengths
of microscopic composite picture filaments.
Get off your avabar asses.
And do something else. yeah!! ;)

power mousey

Peeps we've lost..

30th March 2007

ahhhhhhhh!!! the catch.
The Catch 22. :-)

power mousey

The power of light

30th March 2007

that Solar sail too.
And Bill Nye the Science Guy....
I remember him too. :)
thanks magicman,
for giving me the magic
to remember. :-)
cheers :-)

power mousey

#093 - The Future Challenge

30th March 2007

true! :D
awesometrific<--new word, cool.
I like it. :-)

power mousey

The power of light

30th March 2007

I think that I saw that episode on Stargate.
By the way, I'm wondering when another Stargate
movie is going to come out.
And having to do with the Return of the Nephilim.
Call it Stargate: Return of the Watchers.
Lam, Ox-Ho, ascended spa*snip*

power mousey

The power of light

30th March 2007

I wonder whatever happened to that project
at Stanford University many,many years ago.
Where scientists created a device and was the size of
a refirigerator. A tiny piece of quartz crystal was place into the device. And, within the molecular organiza*snip*

power mousey

xbox 360 elite

30th March 2007

I like black. Also
light and dark grey too.
And especially black cubes too. ;)

power mousey

Future Workshop suggestions..

30th March 2007

ha! :)
The Power of P.I.S.S
or how about a flowing convergence
of the acronymic symbols:
Powerful Imagination
Intelligence Superior
Super Science.
cheers ;)
power mousey

power mousey

The power of light

29th March 2007

Fascinating! %<)
when I saw the words laser jet in the link.
I thought and imagine first Wonder Womans jet
plane. And further, streams of photon pressured
into a jet plane configuration utilizing gravitional
waves on the superstrings.
And hol*snip*

power mousey

#093 - The Future Challenge

29th March 2007

go for it Pieman.
make that Bakers' Dozen. :D
ahhhhh, a light bulb warms up and glows.
In an intro screen, you have a box of doughnuts.
Winchells donuts and plenty of maple bars too. ;)
Anyway, you choose your doughnut. The doughnut
is taken o*snip*

power mousey

Future Workshop suggestions..

29th March 2007

I'm the electric head
you'r'e the one with the skeleton hand.
You're the Ripper man
And I'm the Nexus man.
I'll give you the ideas,characters,
weird winds, the smoke on the water.
The Deep Purple!
true, steve. :D

power mousey

Future Workshop suggestions..

29th March 2007

I like your idea about the mutant walking cans
of eneergy drinks.
hmmmmm.......how about a change of scenery.
The first few levels on our a farm.
Also flying beer cans fly over too.
And green mutant cows chewing carcasses
of toxic ch*snip*

power mousey

#093 - The Future Challenge

28th March 2007

Time until deadline.
April 21st!!
or thereabouts.
I hope not!!
I hope I'm wrong. :(
power mousey

power mousey

Future Workshop suggestions..

28th March 2007

you suck on rotting and dead hopps
processed thru the First Force
and consumed and tore down by
Second Force inorder to rebuild
or even nulify yourself by...by Third Force!?? :-)
Yet, it goes out and and is used by both
the Cosmic Corps a*snip*

power mousey

Future Workshop suggestions..

28th March 2007

along with the above idea
and with shrooms' suggestion.
Here is additional suggestion:
Screensaver or screensaver type
of programs. Challenges which pertain
to ideas,themes, of screensavers and screensaver
type of programs.
The screensavers co*snip*

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