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Walking Lemming one liner. CPC

27th March 2016

I typed in the listing into CPCBox... its actually pretty good! :)


Emulation in the Browser

27th March 2016

Bloody hell... just wasted 30mins playing Sonic :O
Thanks Dave!! :P


RIP : Terry Brain (Creator of Trap Door)

27th March 2016

He should never have opened that Trap door... :(


Useless, Unwanted Updates

27th March 2016

Don't get me wrong I actually do like Windows 10, I've got it on my new laptop... but my main development box is running Windows 8.1 and I'm right in the middle of a project which I dont want Windows to mess up.
When I build my new PC this yea*snip*


Useless, Unwanted Updates

27th March 2016

WTF @ Microsoft! Windows 10 upgrade now has an countdown!


Gamedev is all bollocks now, and I'll tell you why.

25th March 2016

Greenlight is all about getting votes anyway you can! And thats why its crap!
I try to make my games to a decent standards in game-play and graphics, the amount of shit that is now on Steam due to Greenlight is ridiculous!
I'm very happy to have my g*snip*


RIP : Paul Daniels

18th March 2016

Use to love watching Paul Daniels' Magic Show when I was a kid...


Happy Birthday TheRevillesGames

17th March 2016

Thanks guys :)


St Patrick's Day - 2015+1

16th March 2016

Aye! And that also means its me Bday! :)


360 Video - BBC Click

11th March 2016

Pretty cool... the guy holding the camera looks pretty board though...


This Route is Closed

11th March 2016

Our TP-Link N600 has been great, no issues and great Wi-Fi range.
And it doesnt look like a girl's handbag :P


This Route is Closed

10th March 2016

Well it does look like a girls handbag!


Aurora Comes to the UK

9th March 2016

I would need to go down to Tassie to see the Aurora Australis...
Shame you guys missed it, looking at those photos it looked like a good show!


Aurora Comes to the UK

8th March 2016

Any of you guys saw the Aurora? Linkage



6th March 2016

[quote]But still, it was a valid and constructive criticism.[/quote]
Totally agree, thats why I posted on their blog site.
@Dabz... yeah that could bite them too. Apparently that new trailer was needed for some Microsoft event or something. I dont think *snip*


AGameAWeek : 2016 - Part One

5th March 2016

Still waiting for that pool game :P



5th March 2016

[quote]I quite like the look of this one: (Linkage) [/quote]
Yeah that should be decent, they are pretty big and hard to more around.
You could try a table top version to get started:
And then there are the lenses to get :)


Sociable Soccer

5th March 2016

I saw this end Jon Hare released the now cancelled Kickstarter...
It looks ''okay'', loved SWOS on the Amiga, played it for hours...



5th March 2016

I posted Rockford criticisms on the Thimbleweed blog and Ron (creator of Monkey Island etc) replied:
Ron Gilbert ✓ - Mar 05 at 11:12
Things like background animation go in during a polish stage. There is no sense wasting time on them now, *snip*



4th March 2016

We've been thinking about getting one too, did quite a bit of research last year.
For the price Dobsonians are the best bang for buck, also get one with at least a 6'' aperture (more the better).
Dont buy one which says its got 10000x zoom, its j*snip*



4th March 2016

It is the look they are going for. Its sort of a sequel of Maniac Mansion set in 1987 and its meant to look like it.
I love this old style look.
Oh and the game is still WIP...



4th March 2016

New Thimbleweed Park Trailer: Linkage Looks great!


Quirky Monkey HTML

3rd March 2016

Chrome updated today for me... all fixed :)


Dabz's Operation

1st March 2016

I'm so not looking at those photos! Hope you are feeling better ol'fella!



1st March 2016

I would rather all the cars were controlled by a machine than the mindless idiots which are driving around now!

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