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Who Hype 2023

13th November 2023

Just remember to post it here once its on the tube, because I will most likely forget about it.


QOTD - November 2023

13th November 2023

An understanding of the concept of computer programming, apparently some people don't have that.


QOTD - November 2023

12th November 2023

Fun lessons?


YT blocking ad blockers.

8th November 2023

If the ads don't work, then the prices for the ads will drop and youtube will put even more ads to rais the same (or more) money.


QOTD - November 2023

8th November 2023

Divide by 0


YT blocking ad blockers.

7th November 2023



Goto Top

7th November 2023

At the bottom I guess. ''Preview Post | Uploads | BBCode Help | Back to Top'' ?
To be fair, there's only really one recent thread that needs it, but it wouldn't hurt.


Goto Top

7th November 2023

site suggestion.... ’’back to top’’ link at the bottom of the forum.


Machine Made Max

7th November 2023

Problem the 1st... CEX sold me a Raspberry Pi 1b+ and called it a 3b+. I thought it was running slow. Now I just have to try to prove it and get an exchange.


Machine Made Max

6th November 2023

OK, dug out a raspberry pi 3+, going to figure out which OS is best to run on it. Everything seems too slow that I have tested so far. I have no idea how people use(d) these things for every day computing. After that, I'll dump the python code onto it *snip*


QOTD - November 2023

6th November 2023

I'd use it to predict the future. Ask a silly question.... etc.


QOTD - November 2023

1st November 2023

Mine would sit on your hdd and 'travel' from folder to folder checking how long since a file was last opened, create a nice list of files that hadn't been used in a while and politly ask you if you still need them, if not they'd be deleted.*snip*


Machine Made Max

31st October 2023

Fell down a youtube rabbit hole, now I really want to take Max back to the virtual assistant idea, but use peppers ghost to make him holographic.... But I just know I'm too lazy for that.


QOTD - October 2023

29th October 2023



Where Did I Put It?

23rd October 2023

Very handy, just vaccuum up the condensation from the wondows or bathroom tiles.


Where Did I Put It?

23rd October 2023

Bloody window-vac..... How can I not find something, the flat is tiny, there is nowhere to put anything and it's bloody YELLOW! It should stick out like a sore thumb.


Where Did I Put It?

23rd October 2023

Don't you love it when ’’I'll put this thing in this place, because I won't need it until winter and it will be safe here.’’ ....No idea where that place was, but I remember it making perfect sense at the time.


QOTD - October 2023

22nd October 2023

As there is no such thing as ghosts, I'd be spending a night in a house that just makes a few more noises that most houses. So I guess I'd bring the usual shower bag and maybe something to listen to, I tend not to sleep well in a different bed.


QOTD - October 2023

21st October 2023

Probably me, but I walk a lot so you can't tell very much.


Frasier 2023

17th October 2023



QOTD - October 2023

17th October 2023

Simple, we'd all die, the atmospheric barier is not strong enough to prevent us from all floating off into outer space. Those people left indoors, would probably run out of food quite quickly as most of our current transportation needs are open air.


QOTD - October 2023

16th October 2023

Cables being tangled, I just have to untangle them and complain while doing it. This leads to people noticing and be all ''Hey Neil, you like untangling cables...'' No, no I don't, it's completely different.


QOTD - October 2023

15th October 2023

A realistic vampire movie about someone called Jack who has one (or multiple) conditions that lead to the original vampire myths. Perhaps allergic to sunlight and garlic, and a hemoglobin defisiency.
It would be called Jackular.


Quantum Leap - 2022

13th October 2023

A forum menber has pointed me in a better direction. No time to watch it though, maybe in a day or two.


Quantum Leap - 2022

13th October 2023

argh, need to find somewhere else to watch, the usualy place now only does popup ads and no actual file. :-(
Maybe wait until its finished then us a free trial of apple tv.

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