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power mousey

online music services and downloads

11th November 2006

thanks Columbo...of the Diablos, :)
I'll check the link out. And look for this Tesco as well.
power mousey

power mousey

test pic posting post....

10th November 2006

hay!, hay! :)
thats the Grim Fandoire!
you bow down, offer some apples to him and then you offer a suggestion that maybe he would look more Grim if he got a haircut.
Nick blanko,
you dont want a legion of Death Knights chasing you on their Gri*snip*

power mousey

online music services and downloads

10th November 2006

I downloaded 'Break My Stride' by Matthew Wilder.
The full complete version wasn't available but the Karoke version...with Matthew Wilder singing too...was available.
ahhh!!!, with this song, memories of Garfield the cat and his lasagna too. And of O*snip*

power mousey

Hiya again all

10th November 2006

you don't have to bow down. but I'll take your hat. :)
I didn't create the gif...I wish I did. I found it used on the lambcafe forums...which are sadly closed down.

but hey, I came up with the name
try to follow power mouseys' mental madnes*snip*

power mousey

online music services and downloads

10th November 2006

Walmart got their technical act together and restored and resolved the problems in their website for creating and accessing accounts.
I downloaded my first song and for only 88 cents.
The song is Walking on Sunshine. Its a remake of the popular versi*snip*

power mousey

test pic posting post....

10th November 2006

I guess I fill it up with something.
I meant to delete this post entirely..cause I was testing different image file formats..
the pic is more familar and I really like them. The Teen Titans. I especially like both Starfire and Beast Boy.
The others *snip*

power mousey

the Hydra complete! :)

10th November 2006

hey everybody,
I found out that the Hydra will be sold over at both sites of Parallax and Xgamestation.
Now....eagerly waiting, like a lot of other Spartan enthusuasts for the Hydra.
oh well... I'm also waiting for a book to come in the mail th*snip*

power mousey

the Hydra complete! :)

10th November 2006

one more thing:
again, I wish I could of gone to the Vintage Computer Festival. My sister really wanted to go too. But I was sick with an allergy attack and couldn't get the time off from work. Next time...I'll be a little more prepared too.
read a*snip*

power mousey

the Hydra complete! :)

10th November 2006

oohhhh yeah, you're right steve.
I didn't even notice them. My eyes were focused on the booth babe and the Hydra book in her hands too. :)
hey, did you...or anybody else.. catch the slim keyboards too?? The ones to the left. These look really cool to*snip*

power mousey

the Hydra complete! :)

10th November 2006

oh yeah,
I forgot to to mention of what I also read up on both the Pallax forums and also over at the Xgamestation forums:
both Andre and Parallx are thinking of hosting a Game Developer Conference some time early next year. The location will probab*snip*

power mousey

the Hydra complete! :)

10th November 2006

hey magicman,
I asked Andre if he is taking pre-orders...and if he is, then I'll swipe in some of my plastic. true. :)
However, my whole family is willing to pitch in and buy me the Hydra as my major and early Christmas present. If I do decide 'yes'*snip*

power mousey

the Hydra complete! :)

9th November 2006

hey agent smith,
did you read about the update from Andre Lamothe?
and, everybody else included too:
Andre has stated that the Hydra will definitely be out by Christmas. And that if everything goes right....then this week. If not, then by Thanksg*snip*

power mousey

Qbasic on the forum

9th November 2006

I wrote bad things and I mean really bad awful stuff in Fortran 4 and Fortran 5....even with punched cards and then on computer crt terminals in the engineering room at San Jose State. Printouts were on paper that was thinner and cheaper than those pape*snip*

power mousey

the Hydra complete! :)

9th November 2006

I sorta know what you mean. Similar thing for me when seeing the Nintendo Wii and even for both the One Chip MSX and PS3.
Great stuff...but I'll be into the Hydra. :)
didn't you know?? that this booth babe is one of the various h*snip*

power mousey

the Hydra complete! :)

9th November 2006

hey everybody,
these are first shots...and at the Vintage Computer Festival...of the Hydra console and book. It was in the Xgamestation booth.
Too bad I couldn't go cause I couldn't get the day off from work. But too good :) that Andre put up a few sh*snip*

power mousey

Blitz3D Manual

8th November 2006

seed money to continue on with their BlitzMax3d, living expenses, and probably other projects too.
power mousey
*new edit: now again, a Blitz3d Bible could be a good thing. Two versions: long and epensive King James Blitz3d*snip*

power mousey

Woo! Cobra updates

8th November 2006

I won't have time for this...cause in the past, it took to much time.
so...no evil green Cobra snakes for me!
I'll take the bigger multiheaded serpents. ;)
power mousey

power mousey

Qbasic on the forum

8th November 2006

whoa!! Jay.
that program reminds me and brings me back to the days of both Apple IIe Basic and especially of Trs-80 Basic level 2.
but I could do more with assembly language of the Z-80 on the TRS....and in short order and with less code too. :)


power mousey

I got a job!

8th November 2006

way to go, Diablo.
is your job going to be morning shift or night shift?
If its night shift...I'll take it. ;)
power mousey

power mousey

Qbasic on the forum

6th November 2006

all right.
soon...very soon, this Spartan Soldier will venture on his campaign and quest for the Hydra. Any other argonaunts ready to join up? :)

good fortunes and booty,
Spartan mousey Soldier

power mousey

Hiya again all

6th November 2006

hi mog,
hey, here is a cat for you. ;)
Yes!!...its Fallout Fritz again
power mousey

power mousey

Qbasic on the forum

6th November 2006

hey Jay,
well that...cough cough!! include Hydra Basic too??
I mean when the Hydra comes out and with an option showcase
to include Hydra Basic, Spin and assembly language for the propeller chip??
cog within a cog,
power 'Ezekiel' mousey ;)

power mousey

heres' Percy......

5th November 2006

@blanko: I don't have a picture of Percy with his feathers up.
but hey everybody,
here are a few more pictures:

Percy really loves to eat the cat food.
But, Miss Lissie...Queen of the House, has a say in it firs*snip*

power mousey

heres' Percy......

5th November 2006

hey all,
here are some pictures of my moms pet named Percy.

power mousey

power mousey

Bonfire Night!

5th November 2006

ha!, ha!
yeah, but I betcha the British Parliament didn't have to deal with flocks of New Agers, Ufonaunts,Rasputin and Nostradamus enthusiasts, etc... nor even waiting for Elvis Presley to come back in a flying saucer. :0
power mousey

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