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The Curry Thread

27th September 2015

Curry FTW! Hmmmm Chicken Tikka Masala... tasty!


Angry Birds - The Movie?

23rd September 2015

Yeah it actually looks pretty funny!


Solitaire on Steam

23rd September 2015

@rockford, for this game we went via the Greenlight process.
But we have been approached by a publisher for a few of our other games to by-pass Greenlight in the future :)


Solitaire on Steam

22nd September 2015

Approved for release :)


Solitaire on Steam

20th September 2015

What's Gwent?


Solitaire on Steam

19th September 2015

Thanks guys :)
@Dave - nah, still working full time in a ''proper'' job, but I do spend most of my free time on the ''hobby''.
And heres the new Steam Edition Trailer for LoS:CotD:
We could have submitted the game 2 weeks ago, but we hav*snip*


Solitaire on Steam

19th September 2015

Legends of Solitaire: Curse of the Dragons - submitted to Valve for Steam release! YAY!!



17th September 2015

Yeah... might be one of those alternative ways ;)
I still watch ''kid'' shows now:
* TMNT 2012 version
* Gravity Falls
* Kung Fu Panda
* Star Wars Rebels
* Penguins of Madagascar
* King Julian
* Sonic Boom (bit crap but a bit funny in place*snip*



17th September 2015

Its now marked in mine :)
Hopefully I can find a place to view it.



16th September 2015

When is DM meant to be shown on TV?


Steam Achievements

14th September 2015

Top idea Jay!


Steam Achievements

13th September 2015

Still thinking how to handle this...
So what to do if a player already has the non-steam edition and when they play the Steam edition should it automatically unlocks the steam achievements they have already unlocked via the non-steam achievements?
Oh sho*snip*


Where Are You?!

13th September 2015

A ''normal'' pint say of Carlton Draught will cost you $6 AUD (approx. £2.75).
Petrol over here goes in weekly cycles, at the moment the highest is $1.50 AUD p/l and the lowest $1.20 AUD p/l.
I can't remember if the UK had these strange *snip*


Where Are You?!

12th September 2015

A ''pint'' of say Heineken will cost around $8 AUD, which at the moment is around £3.70...
And a ''pint'' over-here isnt a proper pint, some pubs (called hotels here) will sell you an imperial pint but not many...


Where Are You?!

12th September 2015

I'm in sunny Adelaide, South Australia.
We have nice beaches and a few wineries apart the place. The Adelaide Hills are nice too.


BB-8 : I'm a big kid..

10th September 2015

I so want one... but for around $250AUD, its a bit much.


iPad Pro

9th September 2015

LOL @ Apple Pencil naming!


Steam Achievements

8th September 2015

Hmmm... adding Steam achievements to my game which already has it own achievements built in... do I leave the built in one in the Steam edition?
and what the hell do I do with multiple people achievements with different profiles in my game? With Steam I g*snip*


Driving Crazy

4th September 2015

Are people getting worse or is it just me? Walking home and some idiot speeding down the road, I was watching him and he saw me... then for some reason he does a U turn and nearly ran me over. Wanker!


Weekend Plans

2nd September 2015

Weekend = getting Steam achievements to work.


Dabz's Holiday! (Again?)

2nd September 2015

My eyes!!!!!!!!
Should have added a spoiler tag to that picture ;)



1st September 2015

My account has been fixed so I can now set the cost of the game and upload builds.
The Steam Overlay breaks BMax's filtering and my aspect ratio code so I need to fix that... and get Steam achievements into the game, it's got its own achievements *snip*



1st September 2015

Good work Jay! Don't try to do to much to soon, take it slow. If you injure yourself by going to fast/to long it'll set you back double.
Keep it up!


New Logo for Google

1st September 2015

I agree Dave... I keep checking the date to make sure it isnt April 1st!


Websites : Scale to Fit

30th August 2015

I just use BootStrap and it does all the magic for me, and it stops Google telling me off ;)

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