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GfK's new PC

30th May 2015

I've learnt my lessons with PC cases and I always try to get one of the largest I can get due to the air flow... and in Oz you need good air flow!!!
My last case was the Antec Solo and you couldnt fit in the newer GPUs without cutting a bit out of the*snip*


Moon Pics

30th May 2015

This was last night in Adelaide, Australia at 7pm:
Last week Jupiter was closer to the moon. This was the sky at night on the 25/05/2015:
@Dave, I havent seen the ISS passing over in years (last time I saw it was back in the*snip*


GfK's new PC

29th May 2015

This one, 9572AD?


GfK's new PC

29th May 2015

Very nice Dave!


Moon Pics

29th May 2015

How'd did Platdude get there in the first place!?! ;)


Moon Pics

29th May 2015

A nice shot of the moon last night...


Car MOTs

27th May 2015

In Oz, there is no MOT... not sure if that is a good thing or not, due some of the bombs I've seen on the roads!


Monitor ''Hz''

26th May 2015

I've got a 144Hz monitor (www.benq.com.au) and I do find it is easier on the eyes.
Also if you play first person shooters a lot it feels so much smoother.


Moon Pics

26th May 2015

LOL! I knew something was wrong when I set up the lighting rig... ;)
I actually like these shots better than a full moon as you can really make out the details of the craters.


Artistic Payments

26th May 2015

For the PC and Mac, the revenue comes from casual portals such as Big Fish Games, iWin, GameHouse etc.


Moon Pics

26th May 2015

New Moon Photo:
Oh and it was only when I moved to Australia that I really could see the ''face'' in the moon... since it's upside down here :P


Artistic Payments

25th May 2015

''@Rychan - Are you dealing with a publisher to get that?''
Are you referring to the <$400 from Android? If so - no publisher, all Ad based revenue.


Jay Buys an LG Telly

24th May 2015

I remember having issues with some RPGs and flight sims because of the missing numpad.


Artistic Payments

24th May 2015

@Rock - PC and Mac at the moment.
I havent had much success with iOS (decided to totally drop it) and I only make <$400 p/m from Android...
@Spinal - yeah our tax accountant does take the expenses into account when we do our quarterly tax.


Jay Buys an LG Telly

23rd May 2015

Ah the Amiga 600!
My parents bought us that instead of the Amiga 500+ because the sales guy said it was better :(
The missing numpad was such a pain for quite a few games!
(I really wanted the A1200 but we couldnt afford one)


Artistic Payments

23rd May 2015

Oh yes, and more over the years... why do you think I still keep kicking them out ;)


Artistic Payments

22nd May 2015

@Rockford - its a 2D casual game and another Solitaire one too... we arent ready to release any previews yet (top secret :P)
@Jay - I know its a lot of money, but normally within the first month of selling we break even.
This game so far has cost:


The Observatory

22nd May 2015

It was pretty cool! Saw Jupiter (and Galilean moons) really well and Saturn, plus a few star clusters.
Think its time for us to buy a decent telescope for the back garden...
They had a $45,000 second hand(!) telescope, might buy two of those ;)


The Observatory

22nd May 2015

Going to an Observatory today - looking forward to it :)


Artistic Payments

22nd May 2015

Yeah! The first payment was $7500 USD and when I paid it the AUD was 0.795c but the bank only gave me 0.75c!!
4.5c isnt a lot but for 7500 of them it adds up! And a $20 fee on top of that as well!


Artistic Payments

21st May 2015

Just wire-transferred the first payment for my next game's graphics... hate banks and their exchanges rates!


Google Robot Cars : GO!

16th May 2015

I trust robots more than I trust the human condition...


Google Robot Cars : GO!

16th May 2015

Google cars have been driving themselves for nearly 6 years and only experienced 11 accidents...
All 11 accidents were minor and none were the self-driving car’s fault.


Happy Birthday, Dabz

11th May 2015

Happy Birthday you old man! :D


Moon Pics

8th May 2015

Sorry no new moon shots recently, its been cloudy every evening!!
I was hoping to make an animated GIF from them...

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