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23rd August 2007

Connect with a friend via network/internet and draw/type simultaneously to easily explain things visually.


Windows Mouse

21st August 2007

Locked, protected and relative mouse positioning in a window.


Window Handling

21st August 2007

Some more basic Window control for Blitz3D.



21st August 2007

Binary attacher, unloader and detacher


Enhanced keyboard handler/wrapper

21st August 2007

Read scancodes from a queue, with key-repeat ability.


Interface re-handler

21st August 2007

Encapsulates Blitz' native input routines for keyboard, mouse and joystick, enabling multi-point input polling.


Input Definitions

21st August 2007

For Keyboard, Mouse and Joystick/pad.


Math Routines #1

21st August 2007

Collection of handy functions for various purposes such as trigonometry.


Axial Product V4

20th August 2007

Shows the magical world between square and circular (includes soundtrack)


Finding direction to rotate

20th August 2007

This is a very interesting puzzle :)
To simplify the Sin/Cos approach,
just divide the 360 degrees by 45
and use your own sine() function :)
This probably sounds more complicated than it is! (Image.gif)
Basically what you have drawn,
45 degrees = 1*snip*


FPS examples?

20th August 2007

Yeah I used the big and slow balls to see the speed,
gravity, impact, trajectory etc more clearly.
What I usually do when you fire a ball,
is determine the initial XYZ velocities.
Now, I'm not sure how you want to do this in 3D,
but it's something alo*snip*


Finding direction to rotate

17th August 2007

When you flip the X, everything negative becomes green.
If by x=1 and y=0 you mean right, then it works (in both algorithm and code) :)
Have you tried my program above?


Finding direction to rotate

16th August 2007

Btw, for the corners you seem to use -0.5 and +0.5 ('isometric') rather than for example -1.0 and +1.0 (square) or -0.7 and +0.7 (circular).
If my previous posts made no sense to you ( (Image.gif) ),
then for a quick solution, try this:
1. Flip the X.


Finding direction to rotate

16th August 2007

Looking at your pic,
it seems you want something with simple range logic (no angles).
The blue text makes it seem there's only 1 range for each color,
but I think there's actually 2.
Something like this:
x -0.5, +0.0, +0.5, +1.0, +0.5


Porting C&C : Is it possible, is it cheap, and is it legal

16th August 2007

If you leave out more in-depth things like pathfinding and AI, you can do it in a day! :)
Btw, the old Command & Conquer used a rather tricky tile system, but I've managed to create a tile ripper to once again admire those good'ol graphics I love so dearl*snip*



15th August 2007

Advanced DOS simulator playing user-defined scripts to mimic any behavior under a DOS-like textmode environment with various interesting features such as keyboard typing and floppy drive simulation (with audio!).


FPS examples?

15th August 2007

No problem, Erebel55 :)
I'll inline it here..
Graphics3D 800,600,32,3
SetBuffer BackBuffer()
SeedRnd MilliSecs()
AutoMidHandle True
;include files
;global variables
Global gameFPS = 40 ; Set the Frames per second
; Camera posit*snip*


FPS examples?

13th August 2007

Trying this thingy out in practice is even more funny than I originally imagined (Image.gif)
Here's some of the things I came up with.
By changing the speed from 0.5 to 0.85,
and adding a little gravity,
and increasing the size of the paint ball
(i *snip*


Wave Mate + Construction Kit

13th August 2007

Create waveforms using either mouse or code.


Hey everyone!

13th August 2007

Welcome back, man (Image.gif)


Protected sample player library

10th August 2007

Features customizable sound overlap prevention.


Time System

10th August 2007

Advanced MilliSecs() replacement especially for individual/relative time tracking, shifting and suspension.


Timer System 4b

10th August 2007

Enhanced MilliSecs() wrapper especially for tracking and pausing time easily.


Mask Fade System

10th August 2007

Overlay (parts of) images/screens with a dithered mask (pixelated filter) for a retro fade effect.


Generic File Functions

10th August 2007

Collection of miscellaneous file handling functions.

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