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Confusing Pumps

9th September 2018

Bit of a clanger, but, never mind, I'll not do it again! :D


Confusing Pumps

9th September 2018

Guess whos put petrol in his diesel car... Guess... Quick hint... He's from Durham and has ginger hair! :D :D :D What a spaz, 280 quids worth of spaz to get it drained as well!!!


Happy Birthday, SoCoder

8th September 2018

The big dozen! :)
Happy Birthday, and heres to another*!!!
*Ill be 52 then.... OMG


Favourite Development

6th September 2018

The start is always the best, but I think generally like the way all that logic knits together to form something, its pretty cool when you think.
I have a spot for bugs, like, I dunno... You find a bug and you have no idea where its is, and it drives you *snip*


Case in Point

4th September 2018

And they wonder why people get sick of paying for a TV license when the BBC squander it on bollocks like that (And they do that a lot mind)


One Pound Fish

3rd September 2018

I like this bit...
In July, another Kuwaiti fishmonger was accused of stuffing his fish with steel nails to increase their weight and market value.
Imagine getting one of them ''bones'' stuck in your throat! :D


AGAW - Foldapuz

3rd September 2018

^I like that too
Here... I'm 40 year old right, and if I'm ever in Micky D's or whereever and they have one of them kids puzzle paper things in the tray to stop it getting minging... I fill 'em in! :D


AGAW - Foldapuz

3rd September 2018

I can see your idea, and think its a pretty cool concept, but the big'un is... Can you jazz it up in such a way to detract the ''Why dont you just use a booklet'' comments which will inevitably come.
Set it apart I guess, make it marketable, s*snip*



2nd September 2018

360 for moi as well


Finding a Job for Spinal

2nd September 2018

What sort of world is this?
I've said it many times... The whole place is just bonkers now, there's no ''rational'' thinking anymore... And the worst part is... It's getting worse!


Tiny Pixelart Tutorials

2nd September 2018

Oh, this is canny: Linkage


Fox’s Glacier Cinnamon

31st August 2018

I always chew boiled sweets/gobstoppers... I start off well, then within minutes my gnashers are crunching through them!
Surprised I havent broke teeth! :D


Finding a Job for Spinal

31st August 2018

Yep, nice they give you feed back, and which will help in the future! :)


Lying Around Dead

31st August 2018

Can see the logic in it though, but... Blimey, imagine having to do that!


Just Racist, Basically

30th August 2018

Because some people are fucking racists. End of.
I'd probably say a lot of people are racist, even if people don't realise they are.
Generally racism is thought to be white->ethnic, which usually is what upsets peoples goat.*snip*


Browser Connection Speed

30th August 2018

Nothing worse then wonky internet... Happened to me a few months ago, you could tell the net was iffy, and when I did a speed test the needle on the test looked like a pressure gauge that was going mental.
It all quietened down and went steady... So, dunn*snip*


Augmented Tennis

29th August 2018

See... See... This annoys me...
Why, why has she been giving a warning, really... Because she wasnt sitting on her seat when she turned her shirt the right way around!?!?!
Eh? Are they taking the piss?
Pardon my French... But for fucks sa*snip*



29th August 2018

They do look a bit... PANTS!!! Hahahahaha aha erm *cough*
The only real half decent one I ever saw was on Ashens, it was the one were you get retro games... I always fancied that, but, never bothered.
Oh, the foreign foodie ones look canny as well.


Finding a Job for Spinal

29th August 2018

Awww bugger... Well chin up bonny lad, the taxman loves a tryer, keep on plugging and I'm sure you'll get sorted! :)


White House Press Briefing

29th August 2018

:) I adore these! :)


Finding a Job for Spinal

28th August 2018

I use barcodes all the time at work, we have asset and location barcodes... So a fire point somewhere in the plant will have a location barcode on, and that'll tell you where in the plant it is (e.g. Trim and Chassis), as well the grid reference (e.g. *snip*


Finding a Job for Spinal

27th August 2018

I'm alright in interviews, as a natural gobshite, guff just rolls off the tongue! :D hehehe
I'm sure you'll be fine when your there though, just be yourself, thats all they will be looking for mostly! :)
I hope it goes well matey! :)


Augmented Tennis

26th August 2018

See, for me, the world should get over itself and work along the lines of this:-
The place would just be just a whole lot better! :)


Augmented Tennis

25th August 2018

Why? Why do people whinge like this, its 2018... Yeah, dont allow jeans and a tracky top, but it looks like a legit piece of sports ware, which is does, what is the issue? And if its helping her health which means she can keep playing, then... Where is the*snip*


Lovely Snacks

25th August 2018

Scorpions... Get one of them in ya for a top bit of retching! :D hehehe
Never again!

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