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Do you make a design document?

18th April 2007

i dont really plan anything,of course i havnt done anything that would need much planning. If i was to make a large project however, i would plan it out and know what i am doing before i start. but usually i just play it by ear.


Awesome Alpo and Hercules

17th April 2007



QOTD - Storyline

12th April 2007

you never know mousey, you never know.


sine cosine junk giving me a headache

12th April 2007

oh, ok that makes alot more sense, just go with what feels right, or ask someone elses opinion.


sine cosine junk giving me a headache

12th April 2007

sound? if your talking about sound in a game then that shouldnt be much of a problem, its pretty easy.


Power Mousey Randomness!

12th April 2007

oh, man, this just reminded me of DNA's post on CW about chicks, what was it? hmm? something about chicks in bikinis. oh, wait i remember! "Animated Chicks"


QOTD - Storyline

12th April 2007

iv never really made a game with a real storyline. i would like to sometime, mabey somthing about the world ending and you trying to survive, who knows!


sine cosine junk giving me a headache

10th April 2007

YEY Trig!!!


#094 - The Atari 2600 Challenge

10th April 2007

i really wanted to enter this one, but there just wasnt anytime for me to finish war lords.


How to be Productive

9th April 2007

ah, i knew i was spelling that wrong. thanks.


How to be Productive

9th April 2007

- Do you program late at night when nobody is around to bother you? Or do you program in the afternoon, or sometime when you're more awake?
i prefer to code at night, but whenever is good, just as long as im codeing.
- Do you bring food? Drink? What ki*snip*



9th April 2007

yes, happy late easter.



9th April 2007

im younger, 16 to be exact. and happy birthday blanko and steve!


#094 - The Atari 2600 Challenge

7th April 2007

ok, iv decided to do war lords, i just hope i can get it done.



6th April 2007

I have battlefield 2, which is slow as hell online and i would only asume that 2142 would be even slower. plus i think they just went to far makeing another battlefield game, thats just me though. so in answer to your question, no. however halflife2 deathm*snip*


#094 - The Atari 2600 Challenge

6th April 2007

i would make somthing for this, but im going out of town this weekend wich dosnt leave me much time to code, unless i use my moms 20000000000000000000000000 year old laptop that cant run blitz to write the code in word or notepad and then just hope it work*snip*



6th April 2007

I dont really read much, i need to read more. The only books i really read are programming books, however i did find crank to be a very good book!


April 2007 - "Finish it off" Month

3rd April 2007

here is the perfect shirt for this month......Shirt


Another little toy to add to my collection.

1st April 2007

that looks quite nice! let us know how if flys, or better yet, make a video.


Stealth's April Fools Gag

1st April 2007

i dont belive this fro a sec.


April 2007 - "Finish it off" Month

31st March 2007

I think this is a good idea, i can finally finish all the stuff that I really need to finish, weather i will be able to i dont know.


Znax Clone In Javascript

30th March 2007

wow, thats quite impressive! very nice.


The power of light

30th March 2007

I remember that solar sail, they showed us a video with that in it in school. Really its a pretty good idea, and as i recall Bill Nye the Science Guy was a major part of it.


Peeps we've lost..

30th March 2007

if we had a petition we would need more people than we have to sign it, so we would need to get our name out. I know, we could ask if we could put a socoder link on CW instead of one to DC, however to do that we would need a petition. Hmmm.


GTAIV Trailer

29th March 2007

Finally its been released!

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