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CrowdStrike IT Outage

15th August 2024


Snow - Jan 2024

19th January 2024

Nice looking neighborhood. Reminds me of my nan's.


To The Moon

19th January 2024

I hear congrats to Japan for landing on the moon is in order!


RIP Thread - 2024

9th January 2024

Awe, looks like he was a nice little fellow.


QOTD - January 2024

9th January 2024

I'm sorta with you on this Jay. When the house is chaos, I plop on the headphones and produce some crazy music and sound fx to drown out the madness.


To The Moon

9th January 2024

*(shakes head)*


QOTD - January 2024

7th January 2024

The Ico and Shadow of the Colossus games come right to mind. Stunning and superb.
If those aren't ''classic'' enough, I guess the King's Quest series, as well as those really nice AGD remakes a few years back.


RIP Thread - 2024

7th January 2024

So sorry to hear of your loss @Pakz
Our pet friends can be little God sent angels sometimes. Always great to just reflect on the best of times. I have a little pup that we got just before the Pandemic. He has been the family's anchor during these l*snip*


QOTD - January 2024

6th January 2024

I would say just all around great nostalgic memories of countless late night hours of Quake 3 Arena back in the day. Fraggin' left and right. I was a mad man. Hardly anyone could touch me.


Where Did I Put It?

6th January 2024



RIP Thread - 2024

5th January 2024

Glynis Johns passed away January 4th at the age of 100. Most known for playing Mrs. Banks in Walt Disney's Mary Poppins. I especially enjoyed her role in The Court Jester co-starring along side Danny Kaye. She was a classic beauty from another time.*snip*


RIP Thread - 2024

5th January 2024

R.I.P. Thread - 2024


Tetris Beaten

3rd January 2024

Little kid ’’beats’’ Tetris for NES. Dedicates win to his father who passed away last month :(


QOTD - January 2024

1st January 2024

I was thinking Assembly as well. Or C++ because if you were an expert, you could make tons of money saving others from complete disaster. But I'd probably go with rust. It can directly compile to web assembly and is useful for databases, game engine*snip*


QOTD - December 2023

31st December 2023

The characters that come to mind are Ratchet & Clank, Jak & Daxter, and Sly Cooper, Bentley & Murray. I list them as such, because a friendship with one would certainly mean friends with the other.
Sly and gang are probably too dangerous and *snip*


New Years Resolutions 2024

31st December 2023

What if, for the QOTD, you put a little Top Hat icon on the main welcome page for anyone to submit questions. Then you, or all of us, can help filter them. Then just randomly spread them out over the coming months. Just a thought.
I guess they could al*snip*


Vandals - Festive Destruction

31st December 2023

lol crazy


Retro Gaming London

29th December 2023

Retro-Gaming in London Linkage


Snow - Dec 2023

28th December 2023

It's all in the middle of the country here in the US. They've gotten a bunch of ice and snow. 20 inches in some parts. Everywhere else? Unseasonably warm.


Snow - Dec 2023

24th December 2023

Ya'll going to have snow for the holidays in the UK? Here in the northeast US it's going to be 60°F for Christmas. It used to be, we'd have a foot of snow and cold temps all through December. Those days are long gone.



24th December 2023

Apparently a less severe variant of covid has been going around parts of the US. Still not great but no where near as bad as the pandemic one. Went through our household, luckily I dodged the bullet. Was maybe 1 or 2 bad days for those that got it, ling*snip*


GameMaker Made Free

21st November 2023

haha, this thread


Cambridge Computer Museum

21st November 2023

Certainly too far from Pittsburgh, PA for me. I'm lucky to have this place near by though. The web site doesn't do it justice.


Unresponsive mouse in Windows

21st November 2023

Yeah, come to think of it Logitech seems pretty reliable, whereas those mice that come branded with a PC's name; eg. Dell, Acer, HP, tend to have issues for me.



21st November 2023

I love screensavers. I go out of my way to use them on any device I can.
If interested, check out Really Slick Screensavers. They've got some cool stuff. Good way to test out a device's performance too.

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