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game asset ispiration from prompt

25th January 2024

Trying to create image assets from bing images creator.
You cannot use the result directly, need to edit it manually, but still good for inspiration.
Sometimes it creates nonsense object.
Prompt: harvest moon, sprite sheet, isometric, 8 b*snip*


Blitz-like JavaScript

24th December 2023

Hi, I have migrated this project to use new library here socoder.net


mini basic

24th December 2023

Hi, this project has been retired and migrated to use new library here socoder.net


Basic Blockly

24th December 2023

I was trying blockly lately developers.google.com
I think this is good and so I start to migrate my old project (socoder.net and socoder.net) to this.
I don't know how far I can go with this. I think it can be used to create a simple app, code snippe*snip*


mini basic

7th March 2022

A basic translator into javascript.
This is still in early development.
It is build on top of blijs (blitzbasic implementation in javascript). so it will have the same command set available and the demo is also the same.
you can check it here:


Blitz-like JavaScript

4th February 2022

working with collision, currently it is a rectangle collision
collision demo
working with playground layout: make it full screen rather than split
working with doc, it is still a draft and put it in google doc for easy editing
command reference *snip*


Art Generator

24th January 2022

Queued at 18651. Estimated waiting time is 93260 mins.


Blitz-like JavaScript

23rd January 2022

I think i'm going to update here,
Thanks to Jay, for creating this thread, and this forum too.
lately I have trouble with fiddle.js and codepen.io for playground, so I decided to make one. Not the best one but work.
simple load anim for spritesheet*snip*


Blitz-like JavaScript

19th January 2022

trying to code like blitz-basic in js, testing for image Linkage


Popular Lasers!

5th July 2011

It was popular in Indonesia. It was expensive, but better than video tape at that time.


Can't run this code

28th December 2009

My problems has been solved. I don't use Data. I write the data that I need in the file and I read it by using readbyte() command.


Can't run this code

27th December 2009

I try to test this one line code but it doesn't work.
Blitz always shows open dialog box instead of running the code.
do you have the same problem
Data Chr($d1)+Chr($96)+"n"


AI Archer

17th December 2009

Main Program
Graphics 640,480,16,2
SetBuffer BackBuffer()
Include "archer_lib.bb"
Type tbullet
Field vx# ;x velocity
Field vy# ;y velocity
Field x#
Field y#
Field time# ;time to get to target
Field ftime
Field xel# ;elevation


AI Archer

17th December 2009

[big][big]trying to[/big][/big] create AI for archer.
The archer has to determine the angle and power to shoot moving target.
you'll need this for the code:
the alien image is available on Blitz image folder:*snip*


T-shirts! Yeay!

2nd October 2009

Nice T-shirt, I wish we also have design for BC.


#220 - The Pac Challenge

25th September 2009

I already made pacman with random maze.
link here
It needs more than a week to create.
If i have time, I will recreate the game and join the challenge


2GB memory card - £113.90

23rd September 2009

I always come to my brother whenever I want to buy something, he knows a lot about price and know how to get things cheaply.


icon bouncing...

11th August 2009

maybe you can give a line to act as a floor so you know whether they stop in the correct position or not.
or maybe you can alter the code like this
if icony(t) >= 160 then
icony(t) = 160


A couple of questions

18th July 2009

I like global. it makes me work faster and easier.
What is so wrong with global anyway?


Anything new for Socoder?

23rd August 2008

it seems to me that we don't need to change anything since every idea is always declined by others.



7th June 2008

play midi source is released
It's written in delphi 6
please visit my web



26th May 2008

I always have trouble playing midi in my games that are created by blitz, especially blitz3d. So far I always use mp3 for background music which is quite larger in size.
The music is only heard on some computers, but not on mine.
That is why I create th*snip*


Moving up slopes

1st May 2008

I tried this at home
not realistic enough
you need physics to solve the problem
Graphics3D 640,480,16,2
SetBuffer BackBuffer()
PositionEntity camera, -20,10,-26


Moving up slopes

1st May 2008

make your gravitation lower should solve the problem
make gravitation lower when collided with slopes and turn to normal when it collided with other meshes.
your slope may not straight or curved or it's a problem with your mesh. try to test with regular *snip*


The Great Games Experiment

12th April 2008

i only play demos, only once buy a small games.
I don't like to buy big games, even downloading the demo.
They only fill up my computer with lot of files. and make me must buy new hardware.

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