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Hi guys, nice to see you again!

7th October 2007



Software business idea

26th September 2007

Sure you can*, columbo ;)
*not really though


Software business idea

26th September 2007

Off-topic (sorry Mindstorm!):
[quote]You're running a restaurant!?[/quote]
Yup, recently opened. If you're ever in middlesbrough, come by some time ;)
We sell rice topped with raw fish!
[quote]He goes into the chat room when he has no customers, so it'*snip*


Software business idea

26th September 2007

Hmm ok I kinda see what you mean. Not sure how that would work tbh but I wish you luck all the same.
Ah ok, I'm in the UK. I've realised I've misread your post as it says $500/month. Silly me :)
Well, my intention was that when we started our business, t*snip*


Software business idea

25th September 2007

Aren't most computer stores doing this already?
I mean PCworld do it, apple stores do it, GAME does it... Am I missing something here?
Usually though, like Jay says, you'll attract the wrong crowd. Scores of kids and the unemployed will idle in y*snip*


The New iPod

5th September 2007

woohoo! I've been waiting for this!
When the iphone came out, I thought it was an ipod... and now it is!
umm there are other proggys you can use instead of itunes to upload music from your comp to your ipod. floola being one of 'em.


1 Year Old...

2nd September 2007

Well, it was a helluva year!
Happy bday socoder and you too, shroom_monk.


Ever lost a girl?

1st September 2007

Arg! I still haven't got a girl yet so I can't really give any advice lol.
If I remember correctly, your girl was quite beautiful. Damn, I reckon that it must hurt more if your girl is beautiful.
My dumb advice would be to travel. Far away. Japan maybe o*snip*


PHP run location

31st August 2007



Speed testing

31st August 2007

Ahh I have to install .net framework to run it. Downloading now...
OT: lol at mole's badge!
[edit]crashed on execution. Saw 3 rows of overlapping red balls.
I'm thinking it's probably my outdated .net framework?


#115 - The One Challenge

28th August 2007

Ahhh! I was actually trying to enter something for last week. It was a timed game of reflex.
In the game you're like the help desk in a mall and you had to direct visitors to the toilets based on their gender (left and right only). The "camera" would rota*snip*


'Fixing' the yob culture of the UK?

26th August 2007

As one of the many many people in today's society who have to put up with yobs and chavs on a regular basis, I can see where you're coming from.
I don't think stopping benefits will be a good idea though. For one, I would imagine that in doing so, you'd j*snip*


That time of year again

24th August 2007

Hey no problem dude!
PM me/email me your address. I've had it since college and the pen is a bit cracked but it's still in top shape because I don't use it much :)


That time of year again

23rd August 2007

Holy cow! Those are really good results, especially the AS level maths.
My results were quite average (ahem) but I did get a A* in art... which later on didn't account for much anyway -_-'
Get the RAM, I'll post you my old Wacom A6 graphics tablet if you*snip*


Chinese Exports

23rd August 2007

[I ranted a bit here. It's gone now.]
Oh and btw Steve, I find this quite disturbing:
"I would travel to their country armed more heavily than Arnold Schwarzenegger"
and what? Kill innocent people for the fault of toy making companies? or do you not con*snip*


SoCoder city!

22nd August 2007

Followed the link but had noscript running. Blasted page sent my browser into a hissy fit!
Can some post a screenie, please?


A new devcrunch...

20th August 2007

Lets see if they can actually pull it off this time, eh![/quote]
The cynic inside me says it'll probably bomb after a few weeks anyway.
[edit]ahh oscar posted while i was typing up my comment, didn't see his response.
Now I have *snip*


#112 - The ASC.II Challenge

18th August 2007

Very cool, jay! ascii tie fighters ftw!


Good free webhosting

9th August 2007

Try that link. It's the place I check whenever I need to jump onto another free host.
Bare in mind, that what they won't mention is filesize limits (usually 500kb) and restricted php functionality like mail*snip*


Your Desktop(s)

8th August 2007

@DiabloDevil, lol I love the dented bucket chair!
Had a few myself a while ago :O) Found a great alternative though - fishing stool! (will upload pic later) and for table/desk, I got one of those wooden food trays.
Not as economical as yours but I couldn*snip*


The 2007 '3/4 of the year' Survey

5th August 2007

Regarding DD #5,
I think he means the choice to save showcases as drafts with the option to publish later.
Or remove a showcase from the showcase list but not to delete it.
Essentially a "IsViewable" flag for showcases.
Purpose: hosting problems, borke*snip*


The 2007 '3/4 of the year' Survey

5th August 2007

1. Which of the sites features do you use most often?
2. Which of the sites features do you think should be improved?
3. Should I just scrap the whole "Badges" thing? It never really took off, did it!
Well badges should really be for pu*snip*


New Rule

4th August 2007

Ah I see. lol.
Umm, I think it was a feature best left out tbh. I'll trust your judgement if ever the situation arises in one of my showcases (if I ever make one!) and you can nuke it for me :)


New Rule

4th August 2007

Cool. A much needed rule I think.
Also, didn't the showcase author have the ability to delete comments on his/her showcase? I think we were able to do that at one point. Not sure.


QOTD : Helllooooo!?

31st July 2007

@DD, hahaha!

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