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SoCoder -> Showcase Home -> Functions Libraries

Created : 23 February 2010
System : Cross Platform
Language : Blitz Max

Jay's BMax Framework

Scream as you look into my code!

The Framework!
I've been banging on about this for months, I've done hundreds of tests, and even released a couple of games.
My Todo list still has 30-odd items, and the music engine still isn't done.
But sod it.
Today's my 30th Birthday, and that's the day I said I'd release it.

Included within is SCARY OLD-SKOOL CODE.
Coded for the ability to code quickly, not for the purpose of making good looking code.
Fast != Neat!!

A neat enough description should get you started.
If you use this framework, let me know!

If you don't use this framework, I'll still be using it weekly, so it's really no loss to me at all.



Tuesday, 23 February 2010, 08:53
I won't be using it, since I don't even own a BlitzMax license. If I did I'd give it a shot, despite the rather messy look of it*, because - looks aside - this probably gets the job done.

* Gimme?! What kind of a name for a function is that?
Tuesday, 23 February 2010, 08:57
"Gimme Sum Points!!"

I dunno, everything else I considered would be something I might use elsewhere, so "Gimme" was a nice function name that I knew I wouldn't reuse anywhere, and it kinda fits, but not too obviously!

AwardPoints, useful for bonuses at the end of a level.

GetScore, useful for figuring out how many points X thing would give.

FloatNumber's quite a plain one, but it's also not score related, and would be useful for other purposes.

"Gimme", not gonna be reusing that anytime soon, that'll do!!