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Socoder -> Blitz -> keydown problem....

Tue, 25 Mar 2008, 18:05
Orion Pax
Ok, I am feeling really stupid right now and cant figure this out.

This is not working at all. Now I left alot out because there is a good bit of code but the KEYDOWN's are the part that I am having trouble with. Even if I change them to keyhit they still dont work.

However...these ones do work and are defined just like the others

Please some one help. This is really buggin me.
Tue, 25 Mar 2008, 18:26
Right off the bat.
Double check your type definition includes #'s for speed and xacc.
It could be that blitz is infact working with them as int's, so adding 0.5 won't make a dent.
But then I'm 99% sure it'd flag up the later #'s as being incorrect types.
Still, worth checking, anyway!

Other than that, I'm not too sure.
Flick through the code to check that you're not accidentally resetting the localplayer\variables, and that you're not remaking different localplayer's each time in the loop, and other things like that.

As it stands, the code above SHOULD work. I'm not sure why it doesn't.

Good Housekeeping Hints : Additionally, if you use variables Key_Up, Key_Down, etc instead of Constants Key_W, Key_S and so on.. You can define them at the top of your code as being linked to WASD, but then have a "redefine keys" option, which scans for keys, links them to the Key_Up/Down variables, and then uses those keys instead..
Most people like WASD + Mouse.. but left handed people like Cursors + Mouse...

''Load, Next List!''
Tue, 25 Mar 2008, 20:31
Orion Pax
That was it. I didnt have it set as a real number, #, in my type. I didnt think of that because like you said where I was setting speed as speed# in my code and thinking blitz would have complained about it, but it didnt. I was wondering why .5 wouldnt work but 5 would. Thanks. I was probably just looking too hard, because I was even going back and checking spelling and global/local. most of that code was in a function and thought maybe that was my problem and took it out. and still didnt work. Thanks!
Tue, 25 Mar 2008, 20:37
Orion Pax
Oh and thanks for the tip. I had allready planned on doing that just not at the moment. I am really making some progress in my game. I just need to create the program thats going to randomly generate the universe and save it to a data file.