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Socoder -> What Have You Done -> What Have You Done? - May 2013

Wed, 29 May 2013, 04:21


What did you get done this month?
  • A few games
  • A few oddities
  • A lesson in Bug-Hunting

    Did everything turn out as planned?
    Everything did indeed turn out well, but it sure as hell wasn't planned!
    I've had a very freeform sort of May, without any real planning, and a whole lot of spur-of-the-moment game making.
    I've built a few testcards, fixed the god-awful Unicode bug, rendered a dice and a ball in 3D, as well as half a dozen other things.
    Oh, and there was a SpikeDislike2 update in amongst all that, too.

    But nothing was planned, it just all sort of happened!!


    What didn't you get done?
  • The Cavern Game
  • The Dice Thing
  • Blockman Additions
  • Patent Wars

    Why not?
    Not sure why, but it seems that every single "Oh, that might make a good game!" I've had this month, seems to have hit a fairly significant brick wall.
    .. that wall, in most cases, is my lack of GUI skills, and my inability to actually be arsed doing GUI's when the screen resolution is so mind-bogglingly out of my control.
    GUI's are hard at the best of times, but when the res can be literally anything, it's feckin' chaos!!

    I've learned a lot of lessons, whilst doing my Testcard, though. It might look like a simple set of boxes, but it's all about "how many boxes can I fit on the screen", and "Where's the extents of the boxes", and "What's the outer edges of the boxes" and other lovely complex mathematical things, especially when you're working in all those resolutions and ratios.
    I suggest you all give it a whirl. You might learn some fancy techniques.
    .. or at the very least, end up with a Testcard! And who could possibly argue at that!!?


    What are you working on right now?
    I've nothing planned!
    Well, there is that Dice game, but .. I dunno.. doesn't seem to be going anywhere.
    I might finally get started on that great big iCade Collection that I've been putting off for months, but.. .. that needs a menu. nnnghh...

    How's that going?
    I think I'm developing a case of GUIPhobia. ... is that a thing?!


    What's the plan for the month ahead?
  • There IS no plan!


    You can copy+paste the BBCode from the box below, or structure however else you'd like...
    > Reveal 🔎

    ''Load, Next List!''
  • Wed, 29 May 2013, 05:17


    What did you get done this month.
  • Went to my friend's funeral. Closure.
  • More or less finished all the network features needed for Project Dollhouse's first milestone. Few bits and pieces left, then implementing Vitaboy in the client.
  • Started Quizzer engine for iOS!

  • Merged code\network with TSOClient\network

    Mats Vederhus authored 11 days ago

  • Made client and LoginServer transmit city info.

    Mats Vederhus authored 11 days ago

  • Finished associating a character with an account.…

    Mats Vederhus authored 16 days ago

  • Finished converting all DB functions to LINQ2SQL.…

    Mats Vederhus authored 17 days ago

  • Added automatic disconnect to LoginServer…

    Mats Vederhus authored 22 days ago

  • Finished licensing client.

    Mats Vederhus authored 24 days ago

  • Added a pulse to the CityServer.…

    Mats Vederhus authored 25 days ago

  • Successfully handled network errors during login…

    Mats Vederhus authored a month ago

  • Added connection sanity code to client…

    Mats Vederhus authored a month ago

    Did everything turn out as planned?
  • No! Friend died!!


    What didn't you get done?
  • Finish Project Dollhouse's first milestone.

    Why not?
  • Because of exams, because things always take longer than predicted, and friend died!!


    What are you working on right now?
  • Exam

    How's that going?
  • Hoping I'll get a C...


    What's the plan for the month ahead?
  • Finish first milestone!

    Afr0 Games

    Project Dollhouse on Github - Please fork!
  • Wed, 29 May 2013, 05:36
    Sorry to hear about your friend. Sucks
    Wed, 29 May 2013, 05:52
    Thanks, I guess.
    Exams are helping me focus
    Sat, 01 Jun 2013, 18:25
    Sat, 01 Jun 2013, 18:46
    Tried to fix my stupid motorcycle, then got frustrated- Yelled at a shop, and took out my frustrations on learning some more 3D modelling.

    Tried rigging, and this happened:

    View on YouTube

    Maybe i should stop for the day.

    I am Busy Mongoose - My Website

    Dev PC: AMD 8150-FX, 16gb Ram, GeForce GTX 680 2gb

    Current Project: Pyroxene
    Sat, 01 Jun 2013, 19:16


    What did you get done this month.
  • Graduated.
  • Redesigned my resumé.
  • Rebuild the materials in my engine to do multipass rendering.
  • Started work on the world chunk editor for the game.
  • Converted my engine from 64-bit to 32-bit.

    Did everything turn out as planned?

    Mostly. The world editor is in flux right now because I decided to look at other options for builing the UI. Currently, it's written in Cocoa, which means I have to export the rendering and resource management to a second executable and then set up the editor so it loads both editor resources and game resources. That's not too difficult, though required some fiddling with the engine init routines and I had to add a little dialog to ask for the game path on first launch (or if the preferences property list gets wiped out).

    The materials thing already has a blog entry, so I won't spend any time on that.

    The resumé redesign went from a Pages document to an HTML file. It still produces a good PDF (most because I bothered to put in print and screen CSS for the resume). Ended up designing it using the 960 grid thing, which is fairly nice since it makes layout easier and keeps things mostly aligned. Helps that browsers are basically just glorified page layout engines with optional scripting support and security issues galore.

    Graduation was mostly boring and tedious and painful. I had to move out of my apartment, which meant hauling a ton of books and other stuff (including two beds and a heavy, wood sofa) down three flights of stairs. Packing was also a pain in the neck. Literally. Had my parents there to help, but dad made it a huge hassle since he was hell-bent on doing certain things in a certain order, which made little sense.

    Moving the engine to 32-bit is mostly so I can test how well Awesomium will work as an editor UI instead of going through Cocoa. I'm expecting it'll be more work than I'd like, though it would allow me to just merge the editor in with the rest of the systems (meaning no need to tear anything out like I have to with the Cocoa route, which meant that the game's own frameloop was different from the editor frameloop). Also means I don't have to build a separate executable.


    What didn't you get done?
  • No job, as of yet.
  • Little motivation post-graduation to actually do anything I need to.

    Why not?

    Because I live in the middle of nowhere and I'm out of the system-architecting phase of the game/engine and into the actual "make shit happen" phase. Which means I need tools to get stuff working and so on. It's very tedious and mostly annoying that I had to even build my own engine for this, but that's the price I pay for needing specific things and not just compromising on what does and doesn't work in an existing engine.


    What are you working on right now?

    Half-assedly looking for a job and trying to work up the motivation to actually test out Awesomium and possibly ZeroMQ for cross-thread messaging.

    How's that going?



    What's the plan for the month ahead?
  • Look for a job, or at least apply for jobs just to get a handle on interviewing again.
  • Try to get the game into playable form again.
  • Get the editor working and stop fiddling around with architectural choices.

  • Sun, 02 Jun 2013, 04:54

    Actually, yeah. Had problems concentrating at first, but then I just sort of... got into it. I'm afraid I'll have a mental breakdown after exams, but hopefully it won't be too hot so I can just stay in bed for the rest of summer.

    Afr0 Games

    Project Dollhouse on Github - Please fork!