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Socoder -> Off Topic -> Save The Planet - Be Vegan

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Wed, 20 Sep 2017, 14:50
F1 driver Lewis Hamilton turns vegan - to save the planet. Said without a jot of irony! Linkage
Wed, 20 Sep 2017, 14:50
Says the one that boots F1 cars around a track for a living!
Wed, 20 Sep 2017, 14:55
Not just that - you seen the logistics behind F1? It's fucking colossal. Hundreds of trucks, planes, even shiploads of gear travelling all around the world for 8 months every year. And that's saying nothing about the hundreds of thousands of fans who travel to each of the 20+ races every year.

Kind of puts a couple of farting cows into perspective.
Wed, 20 Sep 2017, 14:57
And the local greenies have the cheek to slag me off for driving a Diesel, I should show those twats that link.
Wed, 20 Sep 2017, 15:06
Don’t... they’ll complain that you arent offsetting your diesel usage by becoming a vegan...

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Wed, 20 Sep 2017, 15:12
They should be careful what they wish for, my arse gives off enough gas as it is without being vegan.
Wed, 20 Sep 2017, 16:47
Just say "its biodiesel -it eats the same shit that you do".
Wed, 20 Sep 2017, 16:58
In this case it also gets recycled as food for sewer rats.
Wed, 20 Sep 2017, 17:00
It's a good thing that I banned smoking in the car, when I let one out in the car it's worse than WMDs.
Wed, 20 Sep 2017, 23:26
Not big on the vegan front myself... But after Terry Turbo Tits (My Nissan Juke), I'm going to nab myself a Leaf I think:-

View on YouTube

The extended range of the battery is good enough for me, will get me to work and back, plenty of room on the drive for a charge point, and if it's the same charge price as the old leaf's, that'll roll in at about £3.65 per 255 mile or something!

So it is worth thinking about...

Oh, and I have already thought of a name for it... Nigel!


Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
Thu, 21 Sep 2017, 00:59
You're forgetting something Mike, the battery rental charge goes on top of that. With the way it's all going at the moment, I can't see these EVs catching on anytime soon. They need to be further developing hydrogen production and fuel-cell technology for the EV revoloution to get going.
Thu, 21 Sep 2017, 01:08
I reckon we should all get a load of rotting vegetables, mush them down and use the resulting gas as fuel, the crusties can't moan about that.
Thu, 21 Sep 2017, 01:27
Volvo don't agree. They're stopping production of petrol/diesel cars in the next 3 years. I think they're a bit early to be honest. Until you can get a decent range out of a single charge i.e. 300+ miles, it's no use to anyone expect old folk who only nip to Aldi once a week.
Thu, 21 Sep 2017, 04:33
Random thought.... I wonder if he's going to change his name to Lewis Saladilton?
Thu, 21 Sep 2017, 05:39
Oh, I know about the battery... But some of us can get it on lease for nowt if you have a brother well up in the plant!


Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
Thu, 21 Sep 2017, 05:58
Doesn't the rental entitle you to free charge-point usage, or something?!

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Thu, 21 Sep 2017, 06:04
Yeah, you get a charge point at your house, either a socket, or a one on the drive that you just drive over and it does it itself through the ether.


Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
Thu, 21 Sep 2017, 06:06
No, I meant when you're out and about. The public charge points are free for you, aren't they?

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Thu, 21 Sep 2017, 06:08
Oh... misread... yeah, there's places you can charge your car, like shopping centre car parks etc etc

The word is, they are going to tap into the network of street lights, if there's one next to a kerb where you can park... it's good to go to plug into.


Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
Thu, 21 Sep 2017, 06:12
Pretty much a "Pay for the Engine, not the Petrol" kinda scenario.
Given the rising price of petrol, and the falling price of batteries, I know which I'd pay for!!

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Thu, 21 Sep 2017, 07:59
A litre of fuel currently costs about £1.20. Of that, 20p is VAT, and 57.95p is fuel duty. You'll pay that on petrol, diesel, or biodiesel.

Once everyone's gone electric, do you seriously think the government are going to suffer losing almost 65% of the cost of a litre of petrol that they would have been making out of us for doing absolutely fuck-all?? Electricity prices will go through the roof.

Them fuckers are raking in £billions every week from motorists and they're not going to just let it go. Sure we might be saving the planet, but our pocket won't know what's hit it.
Thu, 21 Sep 2017, 08:04
Don't worry, they'll dump the taxes elsewhere. Sugar-Tax seems to be a fun one for them to play with, at the minute. :\

They can't exactly tax electricity. And if they do try such a shitty thing, you can guarantee there'll be a huge uptake in Solar!!!
They'll have to find some other way to fuck us all.
... They've probably already got the plan in action.

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Thu, 21 Sep 2017, 08:13

They can't exactly tax electricity

They already do tax electricity at 5%.
Thu, 21 Sep 2017, 08:24
Well, if I can save a bit cash before it goes crackers... then that'll do me!


Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
Thu, 21 Sep 2017, 09:01
Yeah, I kinda meant "To the insane limits of alcohol, cigarettes, fuel, etc."
They daren't.
People would go ballistic!

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Sat, 23 Sep 2017, 06:01
Yeah, just like people went ballistic over the Poll Tax. Government went "oh, fair enough, we'll just call it council tax instead, then!"

And everyone's like "erm.... yeah... that's better... and don't do it again, k"?

Cos we're gullible as fuck like that.
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